Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

Please reduce loops.



i waited my whoel life so i can say this to @RVconsultant now i can rest in peace :innocent:


I literally laughed my ass off cuz I was waiting for this.


ah ok my apologies :slight_smile:

Understandable question. It’s the only subliminal I’ve been listening to for the past 3 weeks, and getting Shaft or Superfly hasn’t been on my radar.

Yes however I think the amount of pursuing I might be doing might be very little.

The other thing I’ve noticed is that with each passing month, the reactions from women get stronger and I need to adjust my expectations. I keep getting caught off guard.

All in one day yes. These 5 loops have been spread out over about 3 weeks. Thank you for clarifying.

That is a good mantra. It’s one of my favorites. Please see above.

May you live very long, and experience inner peace from this moment on.

It’s cool. I could have been more clear.


Yes your point is well taken. I think DR leveled a lot of obstructions, so WANTED could work. This context is a possible very good point. Thank you.


Listening to WANTED in the middle of a two-day fast. Let’s see how this goes.

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be careful ma man, wanted will need energy to work with, but it will be interesting to see how it goes.

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As many of you have mentioned, Wanted definitely has a prolonged energy draw that is steady.

I wanted to give a general tip to newbies that food, rest and hydration are important for having a smoother experience with subliminals in general, but with physical shifting are important.


one thing I noticed this week is that the main recon i got from wanted, which was feeling a bit lethargic, was non-existent this week as i started my bulking diet and eating more.

I guess wanted requires more calories in the body to smoothly process the physical shifting, and that makes sense as well since calories are what will lead to muscle gain.


Outstanding @Invictus you might be onto something i recall one time Saint said the aura needs fuel. He recommended i eat more.

Perhaps Wanted is the same.

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It kinda makes sense as well if you think about it, physical shifting is something that we go through during puberty and during weightlifting as well, and during both times, it is recommended to increase the amount of good quality calories in order to maximize growth and get the nutrients needed to go through the growth efficiently.

Now I’m not @SaintSovereign or as experienced with subclub as many of you, but I recommend people running wanted to try eating in a caloric surplus and maybe start taking multivitamins if it’s not something you guys are taking, because calories alone aren’t “high quality” in terms of energy if the daily micronutrients requirements aren’t being fulfilled.


The only thing missing from that experience was for her to directly say ‘…. And in conclusion, WANTED works.’


It sounded very pleasant and as smooth as can be.

That bit about drawing out the story of the two wolves made me smile.

(That is a dope tattoo idea by the way.)


WANTED made me feel a weird pressure underneath my eyes today. Whatever is going on, I felt it would be better if I ended my fast early. So I did.


In case you were curious, here it is :slight_smile:


Perhaps it is working on eliminating baggy eyes or some such?


Probably. I know for sure it’s physical shifting of some kind.

I actually like that image better than how the story is sometimes told.

blackness to me, especially in the way depicted in this image, represents depth, wisdom, infinity, the potential, the implicit.

In the image, the wolves are not at war, or in battle; each is a reflection of the other.

The white, or clear, wolf is on land—in the world of concrete tangible form and reality

The black, or dark, wolf is in the shifting, amorphous water of consciousness and possibility.

Neither wolf in this image appears ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.

Both appear necessary. Each natural, in its own way.

While it may be true that ‘the one you feed’ is the one who grows more dominant; perhaps it is also true that both wolves have their roles to play, and that either—left to grow unchecked—will create its own type of problems.


Daoist over here.

Another subtle cool point about your image is the two triangles. One pointing upwards the other downwards. The upward triangle reaches into the heavens (with cloud, moon). The downward one points the way into the inchoate shiftings of the depths.

a dope image.

It’s good to let intuition guide these types of choices.


The fact that you broke down exactly why I chose this particular one over the many others with such clarity and insight is astonishing, my dude :pray:t3:

Yup. I, as an self proclaimed alchemist picked this picture because of the duality represented with such ease in this photo. I resonate with wolves, and I’ve had them confirmed to be my spirit animal.

My body will be split into two different themes, one side masculine, one side feminine. As the moon is in this photo, this will more than likely be on my feminine canvas side. Goddesses/Gods, darkness/light, good/self serving, etc etc.

I also plan to incorporate the Hermetic Laws into the entire work in some intricate way. I like the fact that you peeped the triangle symbolism, I missed that consciously. There’s also the potential to have all of the elements represented in this, perhaps with a distant campfire on the distant hill to complete it.

Also, you nailed it on the reflection aspect and them being two parts of a whole rather than two warring or perhaps, at odds, entities. I also like the subtle undertones of our shadow, and note how the shadowy wolf has canines, and the white/clear one none. A nice touch, I think.

I intend to alter it and add depth to it myself with a bit of shading but other than that I like the piece.

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I love both wolves