Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

That’s more @Sub.Zero territory

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Let’s not head into this territory, y’all.


just in case …

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Happy Birthday @Ice

I had a somewhat similar experience as well.

I was working on something and then all of a sudden I had glimpses of my past victories in life, how it felt, the optimism and joy. The feeling was pure and distilled for the lack of a better desciption.

It was very short but I felt what I can refer to as bliss. I don’t know if it’s a synergistic effect with my current stack and I couldn’t explain it, but I am astounded all the same, and I want more of that.


That sounds great, @Apollo. :slightly_smiling_face: Congrats!

(it’s wild to think that there are actually flavors and varieties of bliss. I’ve had this intuitive draw to the module Spiritual Freedom. I think it may help to create a flavor of bliss that I want. I hope to make space for it at some point. But not now.)

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The same thing happened to @Brandon who was kind a depressed till he ran WANTED. It looks like WANTED may help with other programs integrations just by the sole fact of improving your mood and self-acceptance.


“I am WANTED by everyone!”


Is there a big difference in effect between Masked and Solace version?

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yes. they sound different

Officially it should be the same, but to me and some others it does feel like there might be something new going in solace, it feels even more potent.


I’m on my second day without any subs.
Something is happening.

I said in my journal that I had a complete transformation yesterday. I chopped off all my hair, cut my nails, changed clothes around etc and pretty much became a new person.

However…I reinstalled Grindr. Damn…I’m getting a bunch of messages and I’m actually going through with things. People are legit wanting to do stuff and I’m not having the same issues I was before where I was holding back as much. Something has changed. Is it the mysteriousness, I have no idea but something is going on.


I suspect it isn’t, but maybe the sub just cleared the way to activate the other programs you’ve listened to in the past.

Sounds like a StarkQ bloom :zap:


It may be.
But also people I’ve wanted to do things with who legit have ignored me also replied to me today.

I’m also acting different.
I have way more confidence. I’m looking people in the eyes when they speak. I’m walking with more purpose and attitude. I’m being wanted by people - legit getting several messages.

Like I said in my above post I’d always hold back from doing things with guys because I was hesitant but whilst I’m still hesitant I’m just going for it. A guy messed me around today and took a while he’s definitely interested in doing stuff (and stuff I’m interested in where most are either entitled or just not interested and block me). It may be the StarkQ bloom I agree, but the mixture of WANTED definitely gave me an overhaul.


Good to see WANTED working for you, @Brandon. Especially since you had concerns regarding how it would work, with respect to your preferences :ok_hand:


A full run (minimum 30 days per stage, plus ongoing ST4) of DR + EoG followed by Wanted & Emperor would be HEAVY, but would be a very thorough mental upgrade I think! :astonished:

I’m doing my best to avoid shiny object syndrome and not jump on each new wundersub that appears, but damn you people and your astonishing results… quit tempting me. lol.

I will use my current stack…
I will use my current stack…
I will use my current stack…
I will use my current stack…


This is one of the subs I’m probably seeing clear effects from nearly straight away. My friend has noticed the difference too and we spoke about it today.

Appreciate my dude @Lion

@BLACKICE does it fit with what you need/want? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If so, do ittt!


I need to build a better foundation, I tried to fix my confidence issues with Emperor in late 2019 and while I felt good on it, I did not handle it with maturity. Halcyon has definitely helped, but it’s built upon Regeneration… DR is more thorough, so I think that needs to be my next step. Either the full program or as a module in Halcyon v2.

Definitely eyeing the confidence boost that everyone is reporting from Wanted though…


Does unmatching a girl who refused to come to my place is considered mischievous?


For my own personal clarification, when you say they want to do stuff with ya, are you talking about collaborations, or…ya know…‘stuff stuff’ lol.

It’s probably clear for others, but it’s unclear for me lol apologies if I come across dumb

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Stuff stuff.

Collabs are kind of happening tho.

Whag do you mean by unclear?

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