Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

I’ve sent numerous tickets to Subliminal Club and they’ve all been answered within 2-3 days

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Perhaps they have taken a dislike to me :slight_smile:

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I am in my 40s with a mostly plant diet and numerous epigenetic supplements etc… I can’t say everything has come to pass from the main description but without working out (though my job is somewhat physical by nature) I definitely look better than ever since using Wanted. I am using multiple Qv2 customs.


This is not true. What information are you basing this on?

We’re really going to have to crack down on people just making assertions like this. There hasn’t been nearly enough public reviews of anything related to physical changes for you to make a blanket statement.


There’s no ticket over a week old in the current queue. Did you create the ticket at the new support portal, or did you email [email protected]? As stated, all tickets must go through the new support hub.

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Physical changing subs are amongst the hardest to get results from, because they do take a lot of time and energy. You have to make sure you’re eating lots of nutritious food, more than you usually do. Also, like with auras, the more you cram into a title, the longer it’s going to take. Last, but not least, rest days are even more important if you have a title with a lot of physical changes.


@Meng123 would you please archive the above post, especially because of this:


So would nutritious foods also fuel manifestation sub and if not then what?
Does more washouts help with physical shifting and speeding up result, can 3 week on then 1 week washout help with results

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Nutritious, nutrient-dense foods fuels every kind of sub. Subliminals in general demand more energy than your body is used to generating. The more fuel, the better the sub will work.

Not sure. I’d imagine that washouts would help, though.


Put in powerfoods and these subs work nonstop
Deplete yourself from nutrition and you have a hard time


I wondering if there will be a nutrition chapter added to the guide on the next update


Grow sprouts and green Gras



Haven’t checked this thread since May.
For those hesitant about facial morphing with the use of subliminals, here’s your proof.

Upper photos are around the period of June - July.
Lower photos are around the month of January exclusively.
So, in 8 months:

Been using WANTED religiously ever since it came out. No regrets.


Looks like younger and older brothers :slight_smile:


The great SaintSovereign has spoke :slight_smile: . I have no more comments to make on physical changes.

@Brandon i sent you a pm but you never replied.

I have resumed WQ as well. Let’s give it till the end of the year.

This time with Extra Proteins!… umm… I mean Conscious Guidance.



@TheBoxingScientist When? I haven’t received one D:

I agree on this point, I supplement with L-arginine, zinc, ashwaganda, tribulus, cordyceps and multi vitamins and since one month and I have not experienced any big fatigue as before, borderline washed out sad sometimes or angry inside.
I listen to subs 1 day out of 2 Khan/wanted/libertine/love bomb/ muaythaï.
I have good results on the last one.


@Brandon brother will resend

Awesome results @PurpleRT73!

What other changes have you made in terms of stuff like diet, exercise, sleep, etc.? Or has it been primarily the subs in your opinion?