Main Disc. Thread - WANTED ZP [Now Available!]

Same as sell someone a dream and they will believe you first rule of marketing.


because youā€™re not a woman

If Iā€™m getting this right, youā€™re a woman running WANTED :thinking:?


You cannot run wanted its explicitly for men.

Pretty sure Trenny is a man married to a bi wife who enjoys threesomes with women. Hence why Wanted is a viable option.


Thanks so much luther24 you said a lot there. I have been on washout for days now to get myself together and also studying sources to understand what fuels me to Pmo.
I noticed that my limiting beliefs are brought to surface by this Sublimals,itā€™s either I hold on to it or I let it go.


Depends on how you say it bro, you can say it in the smirk facešŸ˜, with a hint of cockyness and some sexy voice and itā€™s considered flirting saying that to a girl if she is into youā€¦ You can ask that with a totally normal ā€œquestionā€ like sentenceā€¦ And itā€™s just boring.

@trenny Iā€™ll give you another example to switch the power balance. In poker. You have your cards, you have something relatively good, you can definitly win this game if nobody had very good cards. Then, the guy next to you plays boldly, raise, just fucking casually. You look his bodylanguage, pretty fucking confident bodylanguage, absolutely no tell or anything that could indicate he is lying about his cards. His behavior is congruent with how he plays. He is convinced he will win and he acts like it.

Now, how are you going to act? Well, probably he has some good cards, right? Are you going to accept his frame that he is imposing?

Maybe the guy is bluffing? Now are you gonna get convinced? What if he is bluffing and he is just really good at convincing you??

At this point itā€™s your call to make. You analyse body language, what you know about the person and the risk-reward ratio to make a decision if you accept or reject the frame. If you accept it and quit, and he was saying the truth, you minimized your loss. If he was bluffing, you lost, but not a too but amount, maybe re-check your strategy. If you rejected his frame and he was telling the truth, well, depending on the bet it might be a big lose for you. If you reject it and he was bluffing then you win big.

This balance is basically all of human social interaction :eyes: We will need specific to help you and give you examples , but ultimately social subs are good to tilt the balance in your direction. Itā€™s fucking complex to describe by text because bodylanguage and tonality is so important.

How does subs affect ill health? I was sick yet I listened to Wanted and khan zp. After finishing my medication I was still feeling sick and weak for like two days which shouldnā€™t have been the case, normally I do recover after taking my medication. I also noticed I was having vivid/lucid dreams all throughout my recovery phase and no matter how long i slept i was still feeling weak and dizzy. Iā€™m feeling better now though but Iā€™m left wondering how subs affect someone whoā€™s sick and on medication. I was on maleria medicationā€¦

Iā€™ll also point the fact that my appetite wasnā€™t affected which normally used to be the case

This is a symptom of overexposure.

Since when? I disagree vehemently with that statement.


I donā€™t think you can generalize that. When you listen to a healing sub for example its pretty normal to have vivid dreams especially in the beginning. The more processed in your subconscious the fewer these dreams become. Dreams are important because they are the only way your subconscious can communicate directly.

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Yes, it absolutely isnā€™t that generally easy.

I get a lot of vivid dreams when my mind is regularly processing and giving results. When I overexpose, my dreams become LESS or foggy.



Iā€™ve had intense dreaming when Iā€™ve over-exposed on ZP, and Iā€™ve had intense dreams with minimal exposure. The only pattern Iā€™ve been able to identify is that I get intense dreams whenever I start a new sub, regardless of the level of exposure.


You may want to check out the ā€œIncredibly Vivid Nightmares and Dreamsā€ section of the What Are The Most Common Symptoms of Reconciliation? article which suggests that vivid dreams are simply a normal part of the subliminal program experience.


wasnā€™t the interaction via text?

you just add a :wink: and itā€™s done, man

no need to think that much, just do it

Like, you have to realise all those ā€œprocessā€ Iā€™m describing is an analysis ā€œon the spotā€, Iā€™m not actually thinking any of that when texting or talking to peopleā€¦

I wrote that mainly to illustrateā€¦

I donā€™t know if it was txt or verbal, havenā€™t read anything specifying that and Iā€™m usually reading pretty fast through post, especially these days since Iā€™m busier than ever!

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Most importantly law 13 of the 48 laws of power appeal to peopleā€™s self-interest, never to their mercy. Thats when they will be convinced and can be sucked into your reality.

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I just travelled through space and time in my dream. Wtf!!

This shitā€™s so scary. I listened to Ascension chamber i canā€™t begin to explain what just happened. I travelled to London in my dream. It was so surreal. I was in a huge round mall or shopping complex that didnā€™t seem to have beginning so end. Iā€™m even scared narrating my experience here

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I have been following the listening pattern. Havenā€™t been over exposing