Main Disc. Thread - Wanted Black: Seduce Reality (Now Available!) (Custom Core Available)

Halfway done with this cycle of Wanted Black, BDLM, and GLMTC.

I get invited to a lot of parties.

This will definitely land you a hottie.

If people talk about you a lot, you will get obsessions from others.


Thankyou @millyx yes i concur.

No, it hasn’t. You guys just make this nonsense up based on your own biases and then spread misinformation.

We can make “unisex” scripting and still base the title on what society calls “traditional masculinity.”

Unisex scripting is as easy as changing the word “women” in a seduction script to “the beautiful people you’re attracted to,” for example. And this isn’t how we do it, ours is even better. Our scripting in either case is still very much masculine.

Stark wasn’t made for aggression. It was made for being an alpha innovator and entrepreneur. That was its main purpose, and being that individual requires a slightly softer touch than the beat someone over the head dominance of Emperor. Try going to venture capitalists with an entitled “give me this money because I am dominant attitude,” and see if they’ll choose you over the 50000 other people wanting that money.

If you want to add more dominance to Stark, stack it with something. Just stop repeating the myth that anything that is “unisex” is inherently weaker. We have the data, we have the mastery of language, and we have no reason to lie, because we have so many choices and options available.


Interesting that Emperor makes me soft, not agressive / dominant. This “softness” has a very pronounced power behind it.

Stark makes feel like “I have some clever ideas but I’m not sure if I have right to present it to the world”.

Emperor, quite opposite: “I will show you something, and you can decide do you want it or not. But I WILL show it to you”.

Anyway, its quite hard for me to translate into words but I still think that Stark can be dramatically upgraded.

Btw, Genesis has the “right” vibe. Is it aggressive / dominant? I think not.

Stark plays the long term and seduces. Emperor is short get the thing done in the moment by dominance. On stark you show passiveness in order to change the person’s perception of you as a good person/leader. Then they get seduced by your magnestism.


Yes, I know you have said that Stark contains masculinity scripting before (which I don’t doubt), but it doesn’t hit even as close to AM.

I get the vision but we are not necessarily asking for over the head dominance of Emperor, just to a suitable level, for example - if someone goes with internal power and dominance of Emperor but with social skills of Stark (almost like HOM), of course VC will choose you.

I think most of us are talking about the masculinity part because of the lack of centeredness and power like Emperor, imagine GLM:TC with intelligence of Stark (just for example)

Also the ambition and drive on that could be sent to great limits, making it Stark BLACK


This title is no joke dude. I ate 3 peoples worth of carribean food and still super

I need to go back to 30s instead of 3min.


Then stack both titles as suggested. Many of us don’t need any masculinity boost on Stark. I’ve run it for 9 months in total and I didn’t see any need to get that boost. I even personally think that that boost could ruin social effect of Stark as you could be perceived as too dominant and intense.

Today I ran two full loops of DR:LD within six hours and I’m great! :blush: So far… lol


I wish, but there is a stack limit of 3 titles

The priorities.

Building a custom could be the way to go.

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I wanted to keep 2 pure wealth titles in the stack and an alpha one on top that, so yeah that sums up the problem

If I was going that way, I wouldn’t say this in first place

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Well, so Stark Black with masculinity boost will be a dream sub.

Original Stark for people who doesn’t need masculinity boost and Black version for….


Creative and powerful as Wanted Black in seduction but in social and wealth areas!

Woot? I don’t know, maybe im just projecting but never this way with other titles but then again this has a bunch of objectives that the ones ive run before didn’t have and is maxed out

Can you guys take your stark talk to the stark thread lol?

And by the way just use GLM with Stark or Ascension…. You will get that “more masculinity” you desire


Stark doesn’t need a “masculinity boost.” It’s masculine in its own way. You’re trying to define “masculinity” as “aggression.” You’re leaving out vision, drive, problem solving, leadership, etc. All of which are positive elements of masculinity.

If you want to run something more aggressive, use stack rotation to include it. But we’re not remaking Stark with more aggression and slapping “Black” on it. They would lead to an issue where the Black series just becomes more featured filled versions of major titles.


Okey :slight_smile:

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People are clueless, want more and more …use the current masculine /alpha products for a year minimum then come back to Mr Saint and moan and groan …users have no true appreciation and have no patience lol


“Since when soft is not masculine?”
Bruce “be-water” Lee


You just assumed that I have “no true appreciation” and “no patience”… is that correct?

I mean, I get what they are asking for, and they are asking for will turn Stark into a kitchen sink sub, which is exactly what we want to avoid. I had this concern with WB while making it, that maybe I was adding too much. I had to go in and rewrite a lot of it to make sure it stays focused.

Making Stark “aggressive” would break the balance, especially since it IS aggressive, in a more diplomatic and political manner. And dare I say it, a lot of this is either recon or in the user’s head. A long time ago, someone said Stark was “weak because unisex” and that ridiculous label kept being parroted around due to people’s disdain for political correctness.