Main Disc. Thread - Wanted Black: Seduce Reality (Now Available!) (Custom Core Available)

Wow that’s pretty cool. 10 seconds

Yes, my results were significantly better than on my two minute and 1 minute test runs as well.

Although that is likely simply because I’m stacking 3 other massive subs and doing this completely outside of guidelines.


Quick update on results/ recon

Recon is influenced by running WB with a massive other stack so take with a grain of salt.
Did another 2 minute loop and 1 minute loop

  1. Girl asked me out on tinder, went on a date for date, hooked up. She was not my normal type, but was all over me and great sexual energy so went with it .

  2. A 19 year old girl wrote me on tinder wrote me calling me ‘daddy’. Were in a convo now that’s literally just dominance dirty talk, not sure how to transition this or if I want to. But it’s certainly fun. Thinking of talking it to the phone with pics

  3. Seeing the woman I am most ideally attracted to in my life everywhere and hovering around me. One of them I almost walked up to in the street. She just stopped and was staring at me.

  4. Not sure if with my stack but my work drive has shot through the roof

  5. Look really freaking good.

  6. The status is insane, this is likely with my stack of EOG, HOM, and True Sell, I feel celebrity presence. People are literally uncomfortable in my presence and full of adoration.

Recon- again this is amplified through my running this out of integrity with guidelines.

  1. Feeling invisible
  2. Feeling like I’ll never get what I want
  3. Feeling jealous and envious of other man, like they’ll have what I’ll never have
  4. Annoyed when I want something and don’t feel the gravity, power and attraction to make it effortless
  5. Really coming to terms with where I am not the archetype/man I want to be
  6. Even after I got home from being with this girl I was still incredibly horny and well…indulged in an old vice for way to long.
  7. Annoyance and frustration, very driven and aggressive
  8. Wanting everything to happen faster.

While I still saw really cool stuff, the first run of 10 seconds was the masterful truth of what WB could be, I was in seduce reality mode, I could feel it.

The other runs were great in terms of effects but with the recon and the off ness I didn’t have the inner game down to fully be in seduce reality mode.


So you reckon less is more with Wanted Black

I’ve had recon running it but not tried a 10 second loop. Maybe this is something to consider.


I haven´t experienced great fatloss from Emperor, except in my face (which got repeatedly confirmed by others), and despite training daily.

I usually put on fat immediately if I´m not eating clean.
For the last days, my diet has been like 40-50% chocolate, while missing out on my last core workouts, but my belly actually trimmed down a bit lol.

Maybe I´ve reached a point where I am burning enough even during rest, but I haven´t experienced this before using WANTED black at all.

Is this even possible from one 90s loop a few days ago?

Other results are there too ofc, but this specifically caught my attention.


Yes, this result is possible.

Think of it this way:

Two different men. Living in two different homes in New York. They both receive identical phone calls.

The phone rings. They pick it up. A voice says, “I love you.”

The first man shrugs his shoulders, and sits down in a couch to watch Netflix.

The second man looks into the distant horizon with an expression of steely determination. He prepares his backpack, laces up his sneakers, and begins what will eventually be a 3-month ultra-marathon across the country to California.

He will get to her.

Nothing will stop him.

Same message. Very different responses.

And you know? Both of their responses may have been 100% appropriate.

Anyway, point being: When you are at the right place, moment, and condition, a very brief message can have a very powerful effect.


Thank you, you have a great way with explaining things :+1:

Looking forward to more physical shifting haha.



What happens when PS is stacked with WB

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@SaintSovereign if my QTKS custom has LoTs would it be fine to run Wanted Black as part of my stack in the future with it or would it be too much and be a bad idea?

@AnswerGroup @Forum_Ambassadors as well in case you guys have an answer as well. Much appreciated!

Stick with microloops of WB to start. Should be ok

I have a custom with
Ascension chamber
and two other cores
And I am microlooping WB wiith it.
Not very serious recon
Actually I microlooped it today, I ran it for 2 mins before

Think I may have a bit of recon from the reality shift occurring with WB. I find myself wondering “wow, is that what my reality truly is now? Am I really at that level now?”

I was wondering that because there’s one girl at work that I flirt with more than the others, she’s pretty attractive and I suspect that she might be one of the few single girls here. She’s also quite receptive to the flirting and reciprocates/initiates touch with me too, so I’d definitely be interested in pursuing something with her. She wore something extremely hot (and slutty) to work today and I was very attracted, and the thought of “wow, can I really get that” came into my head, which shows that my insecurity still lingers around. Of course I can, but my perfectionist mindset just makes me stuck on being perfect when no one is, she isn’t either.

Another girl I work with who I hadn’t seen since prior to me starting WB, always gave me the impression of being attracted to me but today she was doing the whole “staring into my eyes with the sly smile while biting her lip” thing, which was pretty amusing. Other moments of women being unexpectedly touchy occurred quite a few times as well.

So WB is still doing its thing, I just need to realign myself with the new me. The change is so fucking quick and you would think that something like that would come with no problems but reality is that that is not true; the sudden change is destabilizing. I have to consciously remind myself of the new me.


Saint said to someone that running both wouldn’t be redundant as LoTS offers more on the physical shifting through if I recall correctly, so you should be fine to run both together.


He is not concerned about redundancy since I assume he already the point you delivered. He is corcerned about teh energy demands.

I bought up redundancy as a side point to answer the question to say he should be fine running both.

Would redundancy be a ‘‘problem’’ at all?

You could try to amend it with Rebirth running it a couple of times. That sub was created to help you with exactly what you described: reforging your identity.

I’m experiencing something similar on the new tech and it does stem from overexposure but not in the classical sense where you get symptoms like headaches, exhaustion. It’s more about the intensity that is so high that it’s like a rapid start of a car where at first it’s difficult to hold the steering wheel and the car is jerking left-right. It needs some time to stabilize. That’s why it’s advisable to run micro loops, guys or run the sub once/twice a week, depending how you react to it.

I’m still getting great external results but in terms of the inner comfort it’s a bit disruptive. Perhaps, running the new LD along matters too. We’re going to see since I’ve changed my listening routine to lessen the “clash” of both subs significantly.


It’s like the idea of Mike Mentzer’s HIT. You train intensely to failure but you need more rest in between workouts now. Paradoxically your results improve even though you’re training less (maybe even 1 exercise per body part and 1 set to failure) but it’s that when you do train the intensity is turned up.


Saint said categorically that you shouldn’t run Wanted ZP +LotS.

Since WB is stronger then is obvious that WB+LotS is a No-no