Main Disc. Thread - Wanted Black: Seduce Reality (Now Available!) (Custom Core Available)

Saint wrote this about KBC3:

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@AnswerGroup how would this mesh with EB?

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It probably wouldn’t work to well since it goes against what EB is about… EB is about going into monk mode and removing distractions from your life while have crazy focus for a few months.

Getting chased by women is like the total opposite of that lol


@AnswerGroup @Forum_Ambassadors how it would mesh with Stark?

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@Vesper aka Machina AKA cybertate thing

Has a journal called Exul a perditis

He was running a QTKS custom with Stark in it and then running WB as another custom a few times… i think he said they mixed very well


Y’know I might do the “male pornstar stack” exactly as suggested above through three customs:

a) Wanted Black + Bdlm

b) Sex Mastery X2 + Revelation of the Nectar Within

c) Khan + Rich

I can’t think of a perfect enough custom to spring for qstks yet… & I kept thinking


Your field reports would become nsfw links instead :rofl:


@AnswerGroup why would it be that Wanted Black + True Sell is a bad combo for romance?


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You already did wanted og + emperor black… this should be way more powerful :muscle:

He said “not for seduction” when someone asked about it. Which was unfortunate, because I thought True Sell could be used to augment for social skills. On the other hand, Saint seems to have confirmed that WB has a lot of social in it (while I initially thought WB had just a little bit of scripting around verbals/social to make it complete).

This is something I was thinking about as part of a QTKS custom that could have either WB + IC + (social skill modules) or WB + IC + True Sell in it.


Yeah I guess I was wrong. I am sorry for the misinformation


Gotta try it. At a glance it seems like they’d conflict, but that never really seems to be the case with titles these days. It’s almost like your mind will synergize them in the most optimal way.

It’s not BAD for seduction. just not optimal. True Sell enhances your ability to sell anything, including yourself. It’s just going to take the focus away a bit from WB’s romance, since True Sell is very much aimed at selling things. For seduction purposes, there are clearly better choices. If you want to try and go for a blend of romance and sales (for income purposes)… maybe? YMMV. Just seems like an odd pairing.


Khan reigns supreme :crown:


So why you recommended pairing it with a seduction sub when it got released first?
And what about good titles which would stack good with this?

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With WB having “verbal allure and art of charming others” as one of the objectives. Do you think it will be helpful for interviews? @AnswerGroup

I’m confused. I’m saying that WB + True Sell for the purposes of seduction isn’t the best. For sales, it COULD be good. For seduction, obviously the best titles to stack are other seduction titles. lol. RotNW, for example.


So are you implying that other subs could derail other subs’ results?
In this case WB COULD derail True sell’s sales.
And those stack recommendation on the bottom of every product’s page. Are they reliable/based on your judgements or computer algorithms?

It was ideated when considering a custom for WB and thinking about how to expand upon the social skills. However, it seems WB has plenty of skills scripting rather than a little (?), at least to the point where it’d just be better to add on certain social skills module as opposed to a core module.