Main Disc. Thread - Ultima Core v2 Upgrades

V2 is WAY more apparent. This work week has been quite productive with Executive, Commander and now BLU V2. (Used each one on their own day) I can see now why it was based on Qv2.


I hope Qv2 makes its way into the main subs.


Fingers crossed and very soon like next month hopefully

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I’ve been using Paragon V2 in conjunction with the other healing subs and I’m just starting to see the difference. Crazy healing dreams last night involving having a “master” transmit healing energy in the dream state and I got to witness the frame/intent and breathing methodology being used. Along with other information about some of the other subs that was transmitted in the dream and is now in my subconscious. When I got up this morning I could feel the difference.

The healing subs are definitely “heavy” to run overnight either way. Prior to the switch to V2 they were helping but I wasn’t seeing major improvement. With the right healing stack overnight I’m seeing a major decrease in my inflammation and improvement in the joints.

Only other thing worthy of note is with my stack and the return of experimentation in my supplement regime thanks to things like RM, I started Krill Oil. So thats helping too. But I’ve never had a healing dream like what I had last night on V1 paragon.


I’m hanging out for Elixir V2 as well. It boosts physical healing abilities along with the emotional healing component. I think for a primarily physical healing focused stack Elixir and Paragon for me are better than the horror reconciliation stories I’ve heard for DR.

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Love Bomb Ultima v2 ready to go.


The Elixir Ultima v2 ready to go.


Will it also affect the permanency of the program? so, using the new core the result should be more long term?

any feedback? @SaintSovereign

i know this issue has been discussed alot here, i just wonder if this version is more appropriate for long term use like a major title.

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Feedback on what?

“Will it also affect the permanency of the title? so, using the new core the results should be more long term?”

Your input i mean.

I was just mentioning to @RVconsultant how Paragon v2 is giving me some of the craziest and vivid dreams ever.


Hi @SaintSovereign I don’t see elixir version2 in my downloads. I suppose it is because The elixir was a pre-order

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Lawd. Gimme 10 minutes. lol, this is why we stopped pre-orders.

EDIT: Should be ready to go now.


Thank YOU SAINT SOVEREIGN very much .

Haha,cant wait for rich v2 (^-^)


Love Bomb version 2 is a BEAST !!!

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Oh, boy. Elixir and Love bomb for tomorrow

Edit: Thanks!

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Elaborate bro?


The permanency question isn’t something that is applicable with our titles.

The scope of effects would be different than running a Q title - if that is fine with your goals, then go ahead.


@SubDreamer I used the other Love Bomb before and I had a strong impact in terms of being peaceful and stress free but no real external impact. Today I used version 2 and I was shoked by how fast the internal effects happened, maybe 200% stronger for peace and relaxation. But also, for the first time, external effects ! After listening to 1 loop I went to buy different things and most people were looking at me and smiling ! The best is the lady in the bakery. She is like a bulldog, always bad mood or talking against people, against government etc. The model of a pessimistic person with negative vibes but with excellent bread :slight_smile: Today when she saw me, she was all smile, trying to touch me when talking to me, very tactile. Other clients who know her were surprised by her behavior. Even one lady outside the shop told jokingly what did you do to her :joy: but this lady who was asking me that was also trying to touch my hands :rofl: when I came home it was my wife who was touching me and teasing me all the time, I prefer that :joy: well in fact the whole day my doing that, joking and teasing me a lot. It is lasting a whole day with only 1 loop. My daughter was telling us, stop acting like children.
So it is a very fun file, excellent for social circles if you like to be touched :rofl: but it is not at all a file for productivity :rofl: it is good that we have a day off today ! Lets see the following days.


@Tomcat bro Elixir V2 is out

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