Main Disc. Thread - True Sell ZP (Now Available!)

I will try one day but CWON is my favorite ! People become extremely nice with me. Sometimes it is even embarrassing, especially with women. My wife is becoming jealous :rofl: i had to explain to her that it is the effect of CWON :rofl::sweat_smile:


How long will it take for true Sell to be here?

  • 1 - 30 days?
  • 1 month - 6 months ?
  • Nothing’s replacing Emperor, Khan, QL and Libertine
  • At least a year

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This nice behavior from women is it only being nice and kind to you or is it in a romantic way too?

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Well one young woman I dont know was asking so many private questions when we were queuing ! In many cases it is being kind super helpfull. But in probably 1/3 of instances it goes with flirty behavior



Bro I’m currently in washout, so I’m thinking of replacing
Rebirth with true Sell in my stack

So next cycle would be

Ascension, True Sell, QlSt1

Since you have an idea of true Sell how do you think it will pair with the other two?

True Sell and Ascension would be dope I think ! I would replace Quantum by Stark, IMO

Stark has always been my favourite

That sounds very lovely :slight_smile:

Anybody done some loops and first initial thoughts?

Any internal shifts?

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I will do that eventually.

But I’m an owner of true Sell now


Guys! Is it too bad if I start my next cycle after 3 full days of washout instead of 5?



What a beautiful creation @SaintSovereign @Fire

Beyond the obvious value to salesmen and entrepreneurs, there is one crucial benefit that may be overlooked here: self persuasion

Those that are the most successful in the sales world are categorically self persuaded that their product or service is the best one out there. It is an essential component to their success, as their enthusiasm about what they are selling becomes contagious and subconsciously inspires the client to want to buy.

Imagine the possibilities with this?

Being so self persuaded of your abilities in dating…in building generational wealth…in leading others…the possibilities truly are endless.

I can see True Sell having a booster effect on the rest of the stack, as you will sell yourself that you already are the person your stack is encouraging you to be.

Ultimately, what this boils down to is pure unequivocal confidence in whatever you’re trying to accomplish.

By selling yourself FIRST, you will automatically bring your best foot forward to the world.


Saint said that wash outs could possibly be done within 3 days but you want to become self aware of this since it’ll be different for everyone. Some members need less days and some need more.

Try it out and come back to us with an update.


Thanks brother! @Brandon


Uhm, is it an official recommendation for ZP subs to start with 3 minutes instead of the full 15?

Not really but Saint has said he might make it an official recommendation somewhere on here.

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3 days washout is fine.


Somebody been watching the Cobra :wink:

Yeah actually I think HOM + PCC + Conscious Guidance would accomplish this.

HOM the master of financial markets.

PCC - see the manipulation and control for what it is.

HOM + PCC are perfect for this.


@Brandon @Fxtrader

As I understand True Sell VS Rich… RICH is a manifestation sub that helps you externally achieve whatever your internal limiting belief around what’s possible is.

True Sell is an expanding module that expands your skill set and would increase your capacity to act on RICH and get the most out of it.

Love Bomb and RICH are both limited by the circumstances you’re experiencing in life and your current level of growth/development.

True Sell will enhance your level of Growth/Development.

Don’t think of “Replacing” RICH with True Sell. Think about it as doing some foundational work to get even better results with RICH in the future.

@Brandon I’d probably replace Stark with True Sell at first and see how that goes. TrSe is more similar to Stark than to RICH/LB, so start there to keep your stack mostly a similar vibe. If that doesn’t give you enough oomph in your stack, then I’d bring Stark back and switch out RICH or LB for TrSe for a bit… long term, it’ll be interesting to see what the best stack is.

@Fxtrader if you have 5 or more sales calls per week, keep RICH in and remove Mogul. If you have less than 5 sales calls per week (5 opportunities to talk to new clients specifically about working with you) then remove RICH and keep Mogul.

Also, EOG Stage 1 is THE MOST important stage in EOG. Have you ran enough of it, or did you start at stage 2?


I ran EOG 1 for 2 cycles and i have been running EOG 2 for almost 2 Cycles. i intend to continue with EOG till i achieve my financial and business goals. I´m just trying to see how i can add True sell in, My original plan was after a few month or Running RICH+Mogul and EOG . to 3 customs with RICH Core + Mogul Core / EOG 4 core + Wanted Core / Love Bomb core + HOM core . And put True sell module in all plus 15 other modules.

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