Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of the Nectar Within (Custom Core Available!)


It definitely supports fulfilling intentions of any outcome in social interactions.

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Great story really like it.
You should write a book “Adult Stories for a Good Night” :slight_smile:

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Hello Saint, is there any chance we will see a “ZP MAX” upgrade for Libertine too? Thank you in advance.

Yes. All titles will eventually be upgraded to ZP v2 MAX. We don’t know when though.

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I’m missing out on something. I thought there was a list that showed titles which were already released/updated as ZP V2 Max? I can’t find it if so.

I’m making a new album listing in my iTunes.

The main store titles in this list are in ZP v2 MAX.


Many thanks my powerful feline friend!


Haha! You are welcome, most powerful Darth Lord of the Sith :pray:


Would love a libertine black !!

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That would be the holy grail…

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KB st3

If you want to make the aura side effect the main focus, ST3 combines beautifully with a subliminal such as Libertine, helping you power it more effectively.


Anyone noticed sweating more than usual and feeling hot from this? Been feeling like that and Im not sure if its this sub thats causing it

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You are probably dehydrated. I had this a couple of times in the past (different subs). When subs work on changes (especially true for physical subs) you use up more water than you would normally do. Just drink more.

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Hmm yeah that makes sense, no wonder people always recommend drinking more water when running subliminals.

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Water not helping too much, feels like hot flashes.

It comes and goes but the heat and sweating starting coming on this morning after a 3 mins loop. Could it be aura related?


Its the aura projecting strong


… did you get offers for… nectar extraction? Potential romantic partners looking at your crotch? If so, just the aura firing off. It’s the same aura one gets when they are extremely aroused, just intensified a bit.


I didn’t get any bj offers but my gf kept rubbing my crotch in a way that she never does so yeah guess that was it then.


Wife gets more “handsy” as far as the same, rubbing. But if I show any interest in building on that, she stops. No bj offers. Not really her thing overall.

Tells me I’ve got energy blockages or something and I’ll eventually need KB (or at least KB1 at a minimum) to work on that.

My aura must just be lukewarm lol


It is a powerful sub but i guess it’s not magic. The last time I used this I got a bj the day after and my gf initiated too and she’s not big on bjs. I think it really depends on the woman’s mood and how attracted she is to you at the moment, guess my gf doesn’t really like me rn lol

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