Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of the Nectar Within (Custom Core Available!)

Ok so would kb count as 1 aura in a custom?

I read you should have a max of 3 auras with cores and modules combined.

I’m trying to figure my stack out for my second custom

Not sure if it’s exactly an aura like
libertine or lovebomb or nectar

Need clarification

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“”To account for all this, we currently recommend including a maximum of three aura-focused modules, preferably two, in order to make sure your custom works well. By “aura-focused,” we’re referring to modules where the target goal is the projection of an aura to invoke immediate external effects.””

I’m trying to work around this for my custom to keep it within 3 which includes cores like libertine and Wb.

The three rule applies to most things in customs I believe SPS too

RotNW Aura basically sends the message, that “If you give me a BJ/HJ you will really enjoy it”. I would imagine it stacks amazingly with HS in either a monogamous relationship or in the search for a loving partner. Love doesn’t have to be devoid of eroticism to be true.


More to consider.

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True. But what is that first impression going to be like? She’s thinking he’s the man of my dreams and I want to suck his d—k?



But RotNW is the most potent aura to date. So, I have to choice but to run it.

Saint said he maxed it out like Wanted Black to the point of absurdity.


Exactly. So would the bj aura override the love aura making that first impression more lustful than loving?

Ok I got 4 which is just within limits. Whew

Depends on how aware she is of her subconscious. Also entirely possible she would “reject” the BJ aura until getting more into you.

Edit: I struggle to imagine someone falling in love with somebody in any rapid kind of way without an element of sexual attraction. I mean asexual people exist, but I doubt they’d fall in love with somebody who wanted to run RotNW anyway?

I don’t know :man_shrugging:

There’s really two sex aura titles:
Libertine & RotNW.

I never had luck with Libertine.

Perhaps after enough exposure to
Khan Black, Libertine would explode.

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I saw your proposed list of modules but didn’t want to dampen your enthusiasm and didn’t have Fire’s quote handy. And no two users are alike psychologically any way…

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Lol thanks for keeping the party going :slight_smile:

I remember rules in life when I read or hear them… I don’t often abide by them.

And I’ve struggled making customs myself. I keep fine-tuning and experimenting.

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True, worst case I can take one out in the future if it’s too intensive

A fellow rebel. Love it

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We live in increasingly authoritarian times. Existentially, I believe blind adherence is bad for the soul- which wants to fly ever higher… become ever freer.

Facts. Covid drove me nuts! Haha

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I was not an adherent :wink:

But I’m an unusual fellow…
What would you expect?

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