Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Mind (Custom Module Available!) (2.27.23 Hotfix Available!)

I’ll go to check my records and then write a proper reply. :muscle:t5:


I somewhat reluctantly started stage 1, Dragon Fire, in July 2021. I’d started my new stack (an earlier version of the stack I’m running right now), and it became clear that internal healing and shifting were a priority. I was feeling excessively determined and internally "traffic-jammed’, which is a space I get into somewhat easily. A kind of less effective version of monk mode. So, on 11 July 2021, I set the intention and started Dragon Reborn stage 1.

One immediate effect was that I became somewhat more flexible and open with regard to my growth journey. As a result, this led to my first “break”:

13 September 2021 to 7 November 2021- I participate in the original ZP trials.

In September, Saint announced this new development called ‘ZP’ and invited intrepid forum users to test it out. I was in a newly open and flexible state of mind and thought, ‘Maybe this will be good for me so that I don’t get so hell-bent on one path again.’

haha. I imagined that it would probably last a few weeks. It wound up being 2 months. It was worth it. We got the amazing ZP build, which is still unfolding and leading to enhanced results for everyone (including yours truly).

Anyway that was an uncharacteristically long break between Dragon Fire (stage 1) and Dragon Blood (stage 2). I suspect that might have been one of those perfect , ‘Divine Timing’ kinds of deals that I would never have done had there not been an external reason.

On 8 November 2021, I began stage 2 of Dragon Reborn: Dragon Blood. At this point, it was still in the (recognizedly intense) Qv2 build. There was no Dragon Reborn ZP yet.

Ran Dragon Blood Qv2 from 8 November 2021 to 28 January 2022.

That’s when Dragon Reborn ZP was released. I finished out the last week of Dragon Blood (28 Jan 2022 to 5 February 2022) in Dragon Blood ZP.

Took 5 days for processing, and then started stage 3 Dragon Flight (now) ZP, on 11 February 2022.

11 February to 24 Apr 2022 was Dragon Flight. On Qv2, I’d listen to one stage for 3 months. Now with ZP it switched to 3 play periods. Each play period was 26 days (21 active days + 5 sub-free processing days).

And ultimately, 30 April 2022, started Dragon Reborn (stage 4 of Dragon Reborn).

From 30 April to 15 June (2 ZP play periods) I ran the major program version.

At the same time, overlapping that, I created a Dragon Reborn-based Terminus-build custom, DRAKARI Transcend. From 16 May to 11 July 2022, I also played that.

11 July 2022 was my final day with Dragon Reborn.

After that, I took a month for processing and washing out. On 12 August, I started my current, post-DR phase of listening.

And that, as they say, is that.


Hmm… so throughout most (really all) of my journey, I was playing different versions than the one that exists now. ZPv2.

I had one long break between stages 1 and 2. And after that, I had very short breaks–the recommended 5 days–between 2 and 3, and between 3 and 4. After 4, I had a longer washout break.

Wishing you a very fruitful and utterly expansive and singular journey of your own!


I feel lucky to be starting early on with ZPv2 and RoM pushing it harder


Anyone feeling of high or other states of mind while using RoM? Can someone describe if any

Decided to switch my stack up more and add Stark back into rotation and combined with this I can already feel the synergy of this combo

Too slick :sunglasses:

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I would not say robotic or emotionless but I did experience some periods of being less emotional to events that would normally annoy me. Thirteen days with ROM with 3 loops so far.

The careless or inhumane part, I did not experience that.


Ever since I’ve started this sub I’ve become acutely aware of sensations in my body that go along with processing.

I still don’t fully understand it. One of them is this feeling of a huge blockage that needs to broken down in my solar plexus. I’ve always been pretty in tune with my body to some degree, but this is a step beyond. I find myself asking what exactly is it? Nerve bundles? Muscular tension? Energy? It’s a strong sensation but I can’t identify it and my attention is constantly pulled towards it.


On the energetic level there is an association between the solar plexus and the egoic self. I’d look in that direction perhaps.


Very interesting. I generally stay away from reading up on this stuff because I don’t like building expectation and also having a reliable source of info is hard. I also like alternate explanation for things. But this is very connected to what I’ve been feeling lately. Especially considering I could actually use more ego to help me navigate this world better.


What you would find out is to get your ego upgraded to the same level as the rest of you. Typically this involves the current model going through a retirement. Kill the old you, birth the new you. Or something like that.

Super zoomed out energetic concepts ahead:

One of the few rules that seems true on every level is that two different vibrations can’t exist in the same space unless they’re in sync. So in this case… your ego, is a vibration, an energy, it has to vacate the space to allow for a different vibration to enter that space.


I just love this way of looking at it. An evolution of the “ego”, rather than the death of it.

Fantastic :blush: :raised_hands:


Thanks @James! He is my hero!

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I forgot what I did or posted but you’re welcome

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Very interesting that I wrote on my journal today that RoM is a different kind of Limit Destroyer. Then I came to this thread and read this.

Very cool.


How can one ever search for truth if our own ridiculous, often cultural and societal misconceptions refrain us from seeing it, moving towards it?

A blank page allows an unfiltered vision and observance of all that is, as it is.

I do feel like Revelations of Mind for the few times that I used it had such an effect as described by @Athanaxos – the dissolution of beliefs.

The Mind sees what it is programmed to see, if we desire a clear vision it must become cleansed, the brain must become washed, and once it is clean our vision will be equally clean.

Who else had this experience with Revelation of Mind?

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I do. And together with Emperor Black it’s scrubbing my mind clean. With bleach. But hey, nothing like a fresh install, right? :sweat_smile:

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It’s reminiscent of the first stage of Khan, in a way.

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You thinking deeply about the act of not thinking and just being, is something you should try to avoid.

What you and @Athanaxos are experiencing, is a state of being, whether you wanna call it “enlightenment”, nirvana, ultra instinct, or “the flow”, it’s up to you, however, the more you try to dissect it, the more you are going further away from benefiting from the state.

A great man once said:
Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water.



This forum is interesting lol. :blush:


As soon as I finish the next two rounds of LBFH, I’ll replace it with RoM in my stack.
I was thinking of adding Emperor ZP to my stack but I’m having this guy feeling that if I paved the way by running LBFH and RoM first, Emperor ZP would be a more pleasant experience. Just a gut feeling.