Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Mind (Custom Module Available!) (2.27.23 Hotfix Available!)

That’s exactly my experience I use rich with rom and both are awesome in that regard .


Just a friendly reminder that this sub should be made at some point


Sounds like a plan :+1:

The fact that he knows how he would make it is a good sign. It was mentioned last July so hopefully it’s been in development this whole time. RM Black needs to happen.


I think he’s recently mentioned he’s had some creative breakthroughs/revelations while using Khan Black, so perhaps the time is now ripe for the birth of the Grand Art sub that will shake the Earth



Virtuoso: Renaissance Man Unbound

Mmmh. If that were to happen then one day I might even be able to make this. :smirk:

“You will perform and through your work, you shall transcend.”


what about AI? I am about to start learning artificial intelligence development and implementation (machine learning, then deep learning algorithms). Do I get a benefit from RoM for my endeavor?

Potentially, but Index Gate may better your purposes.


My current stack has RoM and Executive.

I was about to go to bed and something urged me to just update the date in my journal and the next thing this jumped out at me.

A learning block based off of “fear of unlearning”

After I learnt that in learning something new, sometimes you also have to unlearn some old things (which can be tricky). I started trying to avoid learning the wrong processes, to avoid relearning altogether as I thought it more efficient to learn the best first.

This has now escalated to become a subconscious fear of learning new things as what I’m learning might not be the right/best process/thing and I’ll have to go through the process of unlearning and relearning. This is a learning blockage but it is simply a fear of having to unlearn expressing itself as perfectionism, procrastination and inaction.

From what I’m getting, unlearning entails doing away with something in which considerable investment - time, energy, focus/attention, resources and possibly emotions - has been put into coupled with the discomfort and more energy expenditure that comes with breaking out of the learnt pattern.

Now, even though I consciously know that we learn and unlearn every moment subconsciously, this learning block still exists when trying to learn bigger things. It expresses as a very big aversion to learning (everything else becomes more fun than what I want to learn and if I try to brute force it, I just get tired or sleepy) even though learning and understanding comes easy to me when I start doing it. This is the reason why I currently require a shit ton of motivation/fun or serious repercussions to learn something.

It seems counterintuitive and absurd to me, but it is what it is.

Need help with this, as the only way I see forward is using force (which hasn’t been working lately🙂).

Time to summon the sages of wisdom and simplification. @Malkuth @AnswerGroup @Simon @Forum_Ambassadors @ouroboros


Good news. You’ve misidentified a feature as a bug.

We live and move in dynamic, ever-shifting landscapes. Thus, static, fixed understandings are like the times indicated on analog clocks: True twice a day, but also true every day.

When you unlearn, you are not jettisoning all of your past value and effort; you’re refining it. You’re actually translating it to a higher level.

On top of this, you also really don’t need to worry because this entire line of thinking that is happening for you is literally the execution of RoM and Executive. Competent effective efficiency combined with the organic unfolding of your highest cognitive potential. Sounds familiar, eh?

So, these concerns are actually markers of your process and progress; and the resolutions of these concerns are already immanent within them.

Similar to how the ‘last bite’ of a dish is immanent within the whole dish as it sits before you on the table.

So, you can rush to get through the meal, eager to prove that there really is a ‘last bite’; or

You can savor the experience; confident that ‘of course every mouthful is taking me closer to the last bite’.

Neither approach is wrong. Sometimes you’ll use one and sometimes the other.

But, in this case at least, the end will be the same either way. This apparent tension—between learning and unlearning/relearning—will find resolution.

Final point: don’t fear your fear. It’s just your bodymind regulating the pace of the growth process. Just focus on your aspirations and stay with the process.


Thank you very much for this

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Can RoM and jobseeker help me become an Actuary? I’d probably add the Index core as well… along with others.



An actuary is a professional with advanced mathematical skills who deals with the measurement and management of risk and uncertainty. The name of the corresponding field is actuarial science which covers rigorous mathematical calculations in areas of life expectancy and life insurance.


It could i guess. But wait for the NEW Limitless release. Maybe it could be the better choice.


Will do, Thanks

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Since you have such a specific goal it would make sense to go with Limitless and Virtuoso di Matematica. Yes, it’s true that Virtuoso di Matematica is included in Revelation of Mind, but in that case it will be placed in the overall context and intended process of that program.


House of Medici sounds like a good idea :bulb:

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Limitless or Quantum Limitless definitely…

Oh I’m getting HoM this year, once I get to St4 of Khan…


Put your emphasis more on your own power and plans than on the subliminals.

If that’s difficult to do, then make that your next subliminally-assisted goal.

The goal is to believe in yourself more than in the subliminal. That (somewhat paradoxically) enables the relationship that will allow the subliminals to work best. (My opinion.)