Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Primal Seduction (Free Upgrade Now Available!)

lol. Guess it’s in this thread. Only been a week. Feels like longer


Gentlemen I have a question - If a group of hotties ask you to take their photo, is it a sign of attraction?

If they are all naked I would say yes :slight_smile:


No they still had clothes on. Though I would love to see them naked :slight_smile:


Not necessarily, but you could probably generate attraction by how you react, like throw their phone on the ground and give them the finger… jk :joy: but at the least you could make it a fun/flirty interaction :man_shrugging:


I prefer stealing their phone… It always get the girls chasing after me :sunglasses:


@ouroboros by mastering any attraction sub. The effects and results are 100 times stronger than any stack used without action.

Im just pointing out that taking action is more than enough by its own.


I can’t find where I said this, but I mentioned something like, “the person who is insightful enough to understand how to wield both will have a sexual journey beyond all measure.”

Exactly. WB causes them to chase, PS gets you to tease and entice and then the “reality bubble” is created naturally. We’ve been getting a lot of questions about the reality bubble concept, and c’mon – I’m sure every last one of you has experienced this. Going out with someone and just being lost in the moment, where nothing else around you really exists. Or, it doesn’t even have to be a romantic moment. We’ve all had conversations with friends or colleagues where you look down at your watch and realize that hours have passed when you only wanted to stay for a few minutes.

The key is to create your “own rules” of reality at that moment and forget about what you’d normally do or expect.

PS will bring out what’s already in you and help you use that to create a “primal seduction” moment. The “appreciation of women” effect indicates to me – and I could be wrong – that you create those moments through deep positive connection, the kind of deep energetic connection that makes a person “addicted” to you, since you always know exactly what to do or say to make them feel better.

Yeaaaah. :wink: KB + PS is a great combo. Sexual energy that can be consciously controlled, but also driving you to have romantic interactions. KB alone can sometimes channel all that sexual energy into work, or creativity at times.

Again – to the person who can master WB and PS, prepare for a romantic adventure like you’ve never experienced. But, it will take a person with keen insight into their inner life and processes. PS is inherently designed to do just that – help you understand. But the experience at first may feel awkward, or you may bomb out a bit, as opposed to WB’s faster “hit you in the face” kinda feel. The thing is, with WB, some men tend to bomb out when it’s time to “close the deal,” since they’ve been relying a lot of on WB’s and the such.

So – either way, spending some time with PS to enhance those “close the deal” skills are good, even if you intend for WB to be your main title.

I’m still waiting for someone to try out the PS + Love Bomb + Diamond / RotNW / Sex Mastery X2 stack. Really shouldn’t recommend this, though. rofl.


Hmmm :thinking:

Bro can you check the PM I sent please
I have an idea :eyes:

why love bomb

How big are these reality bubbles? If it’s big enough to contain you and a woman, it’d definitely be enough to contain you and a guy you’re winging. And suppose that guy used subliminals too? But probably not realistic

I bought Iron Throne about a year ago, I just still have it in my downloads

This is exactly what i plan to do, learn how to close the deal at first.

WB is very strong attraction wise and i can imagine that together with ps immersed in a reality bubble with the strong wb aura could create amazing moments.


If you can control the ‘you want me energy’ and use it in the bubble…my oh my

WB+PS+KB could be the special stack for some
If the skill is there

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If someone wanted to do PS and WB but not stack them together (due to opposing methods as well-discussed), what should be the order? Run PS in the stack for a bit, then move to WB? Does it also make sense to stack PS with SSX (as WB + SSX is a good combo) or is that redundant?

My main thoughts are that I know that I should improve game a lot more (including the “closing the deal” stuff), though I currently feel my overall preference is to be the one that gets approached or chased. This led me to initially envision running WB + SSX (skills) for an extended period of time, but PS is also appealing because running it before WB + SSX may help me develop game and seduction skills faster.


Well my sense is WB is a better fit for me at this time , with the shifting, more passive approach and also not sure if WB or Khanblack or combo with my custom-but when testing those last week my sales skyrocketed. However

I am always one for more interesting over safe so I ran PS for tonight :man_shrugging: lets see


@SaintSovereign @Fire

I have a suggestion after seeing so many people tag @AnswerGroup with simple questions that should be delegated to @Forum_Ambassadors instead.

You should make it so that normal users can’t tag @AnswerGroup … or at least normal users who tag it will be ignored.

All questions have to be tagged to @Forum_Ambassadors and only if they can’t answer the question, THEY tag Answergroup.

Food for thought!

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Will be testing PS and WB stacked in a few days will keep you posted.


An interesting life is one worthy of living

Thanks for the advice! I’m going to switch to the new PS. I’ll update results in about a month.