Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Primal (Free Upgrade Now Available!)

A Primal + True Sell combo would be deadly for sales. Incredible self-belief and charisma plus persuasion. Think Jared Vennett/Ryan Gosling of the Big Short.



I am a high school math teacher. Primal is absolutely incredible for teaching. Quiet command of the room, charisma with the students, intellectual confidence, verbal fluency, ability to handle stress or conflict with ease, etc. I could go on and on and on. Trust me, it’s amazing for teaching.



Do you feel there are elements of Emperor: Will to Power in Primal?

Very interesting.
I feel an incredible lack of self-belief lately strongly wanting to test that out.

Do you feel Primal helps with belief in all areas?

I will describe the effects for me:

I feel a quiet confidence. It’s alpha, but not a hit you over the head alpha. I am more outgoing but not the dominate the social sphere vibe; more like I fit in wherever I go. The self-belief comes from pure authenticity, a complete lack of need of external validation. Like I mentioned in another post, it’s like nothing I’ve experienced in another sub.

For me, it’s been my best experience with the subs, and I have quite a large collection. It fits me perfectly.


Don’t make it complicated. Regular moments that helps gives you deep insight into how you can achieve your goals in line with the title. Through these moments, you can experience accelerated but organic growth.

This question @AlexanderGraves asked is most likely the result of AIMBOT and whatever else he’s running: Do you let your children win?


I fucking love that tech I’ll be honest.

It’s incredible how it can help you grow. Tons of small moments manifested adding up to changing the perception one has of themselves.


Nudging into Introspection
Self Inspection into Future Perfection


Got a lot of introspection triggered since running NSE goddam hahaha

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Same. (Primal broke my stack, midcycle and I love it.)


Absolutely not, apart from the most obvious convergence, that is both are “social alpha” programs. TWTP makes me political and refined, where my authority stems from my heightened social status and shrewd dealing with people. On Primal, it’s about being authentic, spontaneous, charismatic (emotionally) and playful. Both programs (paired up) are a really potent social tool for social elevation, and natural seduction (no techniques but just being “yourself”).


Great, thank you for the distinction. Are you stacking both?

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Cheers. :superhero:

Yeah, plus Phoenix. I’ve been running this stack for three weeks now and I’ve been really enjoying its results in social settings (influencing my students with ease), and building a strong position at my work place, where not only work ethic and results matter but also crafty politicking.


Yes, to be honest, that question and the replies taught me more about how I approach winning than towards my son haha

Sometimes the effects come in a bit cryptic, its definitely not on the nose, and someone like Saint over here pointing it out is very helpful!


Thats so good to hear! Will deff check it out after my cycle

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Quite a stack there, old sport. Primal + TWTP + Phoenix. This is like, a masterclass in power dynamics and being reforged by the flames of power itself. This is the type of stack that could create a millionaire if used long enough. How’s the recon?


Just curious :face_with_monocle:, Primal contains wealth scripting too?

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Btw, @SaintSovereign what do you think of:

Running Primal or Primal Seduction FIRST then Phoenix or Phoenix FIRST, then P or PS?

What is more effective concerning Phoenix marvellous (I repeat MARVELLOUS effects)?

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I’ve read about such charisma and social influence in books only, whereas recently it’s been becoming my reality at outstanding pace.

Not an aspiration of mine yet I can see how it could help someone with such aspirations if the success depended mainly on social dynamics or shrewd politicking in the business world, as the power of charming and disarming people on Primal, and the highly pragmatic social edge on TWTP would help you amass the necessary social power and influence.

This is the only recon I’ve got so far (I run full loops only):

That was yesterday. Meanwhile, I’ve never felt so calm and solid like I’m feeling today. I ran Phoenix in the morning.


Primal feels like a great complementary to cognitive/business titles. Will probably try it with NRICH, not sure if stacked or custom.

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