Chronicles of the Spellbinder ☄

your current stack is TWTP,primal and Phoneoxi right ?it seems to be a really good stack…which one are you gonna shift out ? :grin:

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It is indeed as it’s opened me up socially and sexually, and it’s helping me develop my social skills, and strengthen my authenticity and the intensity of the connection to my real self.

I’ll be adding S&S for Phoenix once I see my new “modus operandi” well-established, although it looks like it already is. It’s just about making sure there’s no going back to the “old ways”. The copy of Phoenix says there’s no going back, yet I want to see if I’ve reached a kind of the “Pareto’s peak” (let’s say 80% of the “optimal transformation”, investing 20% of the “optimal exposure and work”) or there’s much more to transform within me. Naturally, that peak is gauged by my subjective measures. I don’t think it’s going to take more than a couple of weeks though. I can definitely say I’m a new person in the sense that this stack has opened the best aspects of my social being that were always there, yet suppressed by social anxiety that has got neutralized utterly, giving a lot of room to that part of my being so that it can grow and thrive unhindered.


Sounds a lot like my goals to a degree , I think the biggest inner battle we have is to unlearn all the bad habits instilled in us by parents and society .

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Why not use PS?

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I’m specifically interested in developing sex and seduction skills whilst PS offers so much more and I think it’s much more focused on your energetic development and your status boost than actual sex and seduction skills acquisition, although I know it covers that too. I need to focus on those skills entirely instead of developing all that PS offers.


The recon I’ve been getting is not the recon I would get in the past, in the sense that it feels visceral and it’s not psychological/mental although it’s affecting my psychology (mainly my mood; I’m a bit down). It’s like my physiology was getting shifted. Perhaps Phoenix is tackling my traumas on the deeper levels, rewriting my body’s memory. It feels like it. Those changes are rapid and profound, and it seems my body is trying to catch up with my mind. It’s hard to tell, yet the process is really intense.

Upon reflecting on the nature of the reconciliation, I got some insights that suddenly made me more lively and energetic, and all the recon got resolved. Now I’m basking in the power that came with that, and I’m projecting a really potent aura, feeling great and solid.


TWTP has helped me strengthen my position at work, where it’s a common malpractice to have teachers work with no contracts. Even though my performance and the customers’ and their children’s feedback for me was great, I wasn’t offered a full-time contract, and my probation contract was about to expire. I manoeuvred in a way that helped me secure the contract even though it displeased my managers who wanted to trick me into working with no contract by just being quiet about the matter. Now, once I’ve got my contract, they’re playing so supportive and carrying lol. Anyhow, I’ve learnt a lot and got a lot of insights into the dynamics of power. I learnt that:

  1. Even as a “pawn,” you should be fully aware of your power potential and strive to see the full chessboard (the power dynamics) and the possible manoeuvres that can elevate your position.
  2. Oftentimes, inaction and non-reaction are the greatest manoeuvres at your disposal.
  3. Finding gaps in your “opponents” strategy and employing them is your best policy.

Apart from that, when manoeuvring into getting my full-time contract, I saw how my subconscious mind helped me contain my old thinking and acting patterns, providing me with nudges on what approach I should take. It also happened a couple of times when I succumbed to the old patterns, there were manifestations preventing me from acting upon those patterns and giving me enough time to readjust my approach. Those manifestations were, for example, some issues when typing in messages or some unexpected occurrences that needed my attention.

Great, great sub, unfolding more and more prominently.


What’s TWTP?

Question. I notice you saying x sub has been helping you with this, y sub has been helping you with something else. And I notice such comments a lot on these forums. How can you tell what each sub is helping with? Presumably you’re playing them together (one after another or within a day). So how do you trace certain results to certain tracks?

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TWTP is Emperor: The Will to Power

If i add True Social to my stack and i become more social, that’s the sub’s effect.

sometimes, you just know. some subs are obvious with their effects.
sometimes, your guess is wrong and it’s actually the effect of another sub.
sometimes, they blend so much that you can’t tell them apart.
sometimes, the effects are not obvious.

it’s easier to understand if you try and experiment with the subs yourself.

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Thx bud. You’re suggesting experimenting. I’ve also seen it suggested that we shouldn’t change subs too frequently. How often is it Ok to switch?

The only rule about switching is the 12 day stack rotation one. It’s somewhere in the support page.

Basically, if you have 3 subs in a stack and you want to swap one for the other, take one out from the stack so that you only have 2 subs in the stack, wait 12 days, then add the new one into the stack. The support page explains it more in detail.

About how often, the longer you stay with a sub, the better the effects will be and the more it will stay with you. There are a lot of recommendations about how long you should stick with a sub, but you should use a sub for at least 1 cycle before changing it.

I personally suggest at least 3-4 cycles. Changing after only 1 cycle is tiring and the effects from using only 2 cycles don’t stick for long enough. Using more is of course better.

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Recon hits me only when I’m not engaged in taking action towards realizing my daily most authentic, immediate and actionable intentions that are aligned with the scripting for a couple of hours. Upon going back to acting upon those intentions it dissipates immediately, and that fills me out with the “subliminal” energy that boosts my results and that provides me with more drive to act upon those intentions, unlocks more of my potential, and boosts my innate qualities and traits-and that brings more results. The snowball effect at play.


I’m strongly tempted to swap Phoenix for Khan St1 as I need to amplify my masculinity and sexuality to a higher degree yet the work Phoenix is doing for me is mind-blowing as it’s actively reshaping my… essential patterns, unraveling psychological knots that limit the genuine, unique and potent expression of my innermost self. Therefore, I need to focus on aiding it in the process even more and arm myself with more patience as it’s totally worth it. Recently, I’ve got some insights into the way I tick and what needs to get improved in terms of my social standing, and I found that I need to be more regal, displaying more genuine and well-founded confidence and charm. Upon those realizations the adjustment in my attitude occurred “automatically”, and another psychological know got unraveled.


I kneel before God and no one else… I fight without honor for I die with it.


Why not switch Phoenix and Primal both for Khan?

Khan is not a simple equivalent of both and it offers a different line of development. Primal emphasizes a different path of growing as a social alpha and a sexual man than Khan. It also targets different qualities and traits development even though some of them are almost identical to those that are targeted by Khan. Phoenix offers a transformation no other sub does as it has a unique way of reshaping you, Total Breakdown is just another story. Both, Primal and Phoenix, have much more to offer than all what I’ve internalized thanks to them so far. Another thing is, I’m planning on running Khan and interlacing it with Khan Black in the form of stack rotation. However, as I mentioned before, there’s still some work that needs to get done on Primal and Phoenix. Then doing both Khans is going to be a blast, I can already tell.


I think a lot of us are running with the Dueling Khans

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Phoenix is a revolutionary transformation indeed as I can see how much I’ve changed since I embarked on it six weeks ago. It causes “positive” recon episodes when elements of my psychological “burden” surface and I can deal with them on the conscious level through changing my perspective on them, and reforging them into my strength. Each episode causes fundamental changes in me that get internalized swiftly and they seem to be permanent like the sales copy says. For example, around one month ago I experienced a severe episode of this kind, when I questioned my very existence and its point, and while I felt like shit for an hour or two, then a powerful insight dawn on me, the episode passed, and I found a new strength in me which seems to have been carrying me since then. There have been more episodes of this kind, and it looks like Phoenix is not done with me yet as I’m becoming more and more aware of my psychological burden which I need to deal with the way Phoenix offers.


TWTP has disenchanted me when it comes to human nature and how we operate on the most basic levels of our existence and how those levels underlie our every action. The disenchantment hurts and it caused a slight recon in the form of “the cry of the soul” described by Saint, when the old has passed away yet the new is still mourning over its loss nonetheless. It’s temporary and I believe that the new “perspective” will be much more beneficial to me than if I had stayed enchanted by my ideal of human nature. My current experiences at work have played an important role in that shift as well.

I’m seeing that I’m rapidly changing from someone who is more liked and entertaining to someone who is more respected and socially domineering. Life seems to be no fun anymore but the pure social game.


Thanks to my stack I’ve become much more how I want to be within the span of a few weeks only, and I’m really amazed at the shift. That only confirms that the consistency in listening to your stack and taking the right action on a daily basis is the key to your transformation.

The easiest way to take the right action is to employ the most authentic, immediate and actionable intents, acting upon them on a daily basis, and relentlessly. Therefore, the changes come to you naturally, effortlessly and inevitably pretty fast.

I’ve become more regal in social context and combative in an indirect way, masking my combativeness with societal norms and my social charm. I’ve become really resilient and cunning socially incredibly fast, that’s really mind-blowing.

The only drawback, if I can call it so, is that I’m way less emotional and that makes my life and social interactions feel less colourful and more black and white. I enjoy life in a cool way whilst in the past I would enjoy it in a “hot” way. I’ve become more rational and less emotional. I only perceive it as a drawback since people around me can sense the change and they need to yet to figure out how to respond to me, since I’ve changed from a fun, yet respected, guy into someone who commands not only respect but flawless obedience, succumbing to my social position and influence.

I suppose that LBfH could counterbalance it when it comes to social interactions yet I don’t really bother to do so as I want to experience more of that new reality, learn from it and grow even further.

Now it’s only a matter of gauging how much more I could get out of Phoenix and switching to Total Breakdown when I’ve reached the “subliminal Pareto point” (20% of subliminal input time, aided by action aligned with the scripting, for 80% of the “sufficient” transformation), even though it’s only a highly abstract benchmark.


Phoenix has done an amazing job for me and I’m really curious what else it can do for me. All I need to do is to just be patient and live my life.

Phoenix has made developing the qualities and traits, that both, TWTP and Primal are supposed to unlock and strengthen in you, natural and effortless by reframing a lot of patterns around those qualities and traits that are “counterproductive” to their development.

On top of that, Phoenix has helped me unveil my main weaknesses I used to conceal from myself and deceive myself about. Namely, envy and animosity towards people who were fortunate not to have been broken psychologically in their youth like I did. That core weakness was revealed to me when I was listening to some other sub (LBfH if I’m not mistaken), yet it didn’t slap me right across my face like thanks to Phoenix. Apart from that, although it’s got minimized massively, my fear of life is still there, lurking in the recesses of my psyche.

Total Breakdown is a must, sooner or later.