Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Love Bomb (2024 -- Now Available -- Free Upgrade!)

Exactly the same understanding here

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So I ran two loops of Love Bomb prior to my washout, and didn’t report anything because I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary immediately.

LB, has transformed my internal life in ways I can hardly begin to describe. First off, I feel a total love and acceptance for myself. This has manifested in a way that I didn’t really expect, as it’s not like I have all these warm flooding feelings internally, or I even look at myself any differently. I’ve just accepted myself completely the way I am, and stopped comparing myself to others completely. This is a subtle feeling, and I noticed it more because I’ve almost completely stopped thinking about myself, as my attention has shifted more towards serving others, and almost complete present moment awareness.

Next, my relationship basically spontaneously healed. Jealousy which was the biggest detriment (on both sides) has just dissipated, and the entire dynamic of the relationship has shifted from this controlling/possessive/sexual orientation to a more authentic compassion and consideration for the other person. It sounds bad, but if I’m being completely honest a lot of my love towards her in the past, was from feeling loved, which left me with a huge fear of loosing her. I since have been able to feel a much more genuine care for her as a partner, as I am no longer so obsessed with how I feel and what I need.

Next, I have been absolutely devouring spiritual texts. I think some of this ability may have came through long term use of RoM, but I’ve basically went through the New Testament, Bagavagita, and one of David Hawkins books in the past week, really on a search of truth and guidance. While I don’t consider myself religious, seeing a lot of similarities through all the great spiritual teachers has led me to some different view points and perceptions of seeing the world that has really shifted my mindset recently. I feel like I was stuck in such a paradigm of what I need, what I wanted, what I lacked, that I couldn’t properly perceive anything outside of myself. Shifting from out of this perception has really deeply shifted my values, and my perhaps my entire direction in life, while at the same time leading me to a much more enjoyable day to day experience. Ive also started seeking out teachers to help me down the path, and after trying out a few different meditation classes, was led to a place that teaches authentic Krya Yoga, which was passed down to the instructor from some pretty notable names. (If your into spirituality you’d know the names)

For me, LB has manifested as this giant spiritual odyssey, but one led by the heart/love, which has made me feel safer and more secure delving down a spiritual path, as I feel like when you lead through the heart your less likely to get caught up in delusion.

Ive got a big trip/vacation planned next month, so my attention is going to be back on work/sales for the next few weeks, but LB will defientley have a long term place in my stack.

Anyways, pretty incredible experience/journey I’ve been on after just a couple loops of this one. Gotta say, this may be some of @Fire and @SaintSovereign most noble work.


So inspiring.

Well this convo took quite the turn :rofl:


Let me put it in another analogy.
A sub is like a gym. I trains your mind.
When you go to the gym, it totally depends on your fitness what you can do and what not.
When you’ve been a couch potato for the last 15 years (did not work on your mindset/trauma etc) and it’s your first time and you see guys working out for 3 hours (listening to 3 subs for 15 minutes) non stop you may think “That’s the optimal way to train”, so you imitate them.
The result is muscle soreness (recon) or perhaps just next to no results, since you’re muscles can never overcompensate (grow stronger than they were before).

When your mind isn’t ready for full loops, microloops might be the much better choice, just like the 10kg barbells are better for the couch potato than the 50kg barbell the bodybuilder uses.

If you ask yourself, how comes that some newbies get better results than me? It’s the same in the gym. If a construction worker goes to the gym the first time, he’s in a much better condition than a coach potato working an officejob.


Deleted by author.

Read something wrong.
I’m quite exhausted, sorry.

I’m curious about microloops, am I not missing part of the script by listening to just 3-5 minutes instead of everything?

If not, then why not make the files 3-5 minutes instead of 15? Not judging, genuinely curious here.

From what I understand the 5 minute mark will cover the full script in even the longest titles.

Very interesting!! So a full loop is basically full script x3??

It’s probably one or none of any of that

Are you saying because I have been a customer since almost the start of the company that this somehow disqualifies me from asking questions? If it’s seen as manipulation or attention seeking that’s accidental. But whatever.

I’m not generally in the target audience so I get it.

I guess I have to work harder on my emotional control as to not inconvenience anyone

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No longer relevant

This is not simple curiosity.

It seems like thinly veiled character critique.

Open, balanced statements of opinion or position are preferable.


Anything but " thinly" .

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Probably more than that if folks are adamant about three minute loops

Saint has said multiple times that most of the titles will get you full exposure to the script within 3 minutes of listening.

The longest I’ve seen him estimate was with Wanted Black I think where he said he thought 3:30 min should give exposure to the full script.

If I can listen to a sub for 5 min, get exposure to the ENTIRE SCRIPT, and avoid recon, why would I instead choose to listen for 15 min to get the “brain tinglies” but then also have recon, feel sad for no reason, and get brain fog?

Micro/mini loops work. What’s the point in doubting it? Anyone who tests it only has something to gain. Either it doesn’t really work that well for you and you allowed your mind more processing time (as Saint and Fire always say these days, less is more with ZP) or it works gangbusters and your recon diminishes while your results skyrocket.

Win-win go run a 3 min loop on your next listening day


It would be nice if SC uploads microloop version of the each title. That way we would not have to second guess every track for where their entire script end and won’t have to check how much we listened.


Probably not gonna happen man.

We are all responsible adults who can watch a progress bar to make sure it doesn’t go farther than we want it to, once or twice every other day.

It’s not particularly difficult.


I listen with my eyes closed…

Knowing myself, i would stress about it arranging it right too (what if i didn’t get the entire script etc.). And when working with the mental part of yourself you would rather not include any stress and anxiety into the mix. Relaxed and Receptive is the way to go.

Having a microloop mp3 you just press play - stop when the track is over. No room for anything else.

Its not about missing or not missing . Its about getting the results you want from the Sub in your life .
I play my customs for only 30s and they work for me .
So , test it out for different microloop exposure times and find the sweet spot .

I think , it has to do with the way Sub is created , which only Fire and Saint knows .


I was doing 5 minute loops of KB1 for 2 cycles. The big change only came when I went up to full 15 minutes. Better sleep, only minimal sexual urges…
So there seems to be something about full loops as well. So luckily we can choose :slightly_smiling_face: