Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Love Bomb (2024 -- Now Available -- Free Upgrade!)

I did just one 15 min loop of Lovebomb 4 days ago- but what have you done.???

Are you sure it’s not Love Flow from Within???

Anyway Thank you @SaintSovereign @Fire

You 2 are the best


And yes, you’re not alone, recon-wise.
I’ve run KB1 and LB together for full loops.
I can endure full loops of both of them, but the combo today made me experience serious irritation. I had one moment were I suddenly realized how edgy I was and then I was able to keep my calm.
Last time I had this was last year with full loops of Emperor and GM and full loops over weeks.


I am super excited to learn more about the official recommendations for the listening pattern with this.

Right now, I am running 6 titles in parallel (plus Ascension Chamber sometimes), and as long as I run every title only 3-5 minutes max and never exceed a total of 15 minutes per day, it works quite well for me and with much less recon than when I was running the original listening pattern of 3 titles each 15 min within 4 days. The NSE for sure also contributes to the reduced recon too.

Listening microloops only but with more titles in parallel also reduces my FOMO of missing out on “not listening to the most important titles asap”.

An official microloops listening pattern recommendation would be awesome!


Man, I did it and people called me crazy :joy:
It does indeed work!


Idk can’t be recommended generally! I just overload hard and get terrible recon

Running more titles back to back with microloops defeats the purpose. There’s still going to be a three title limit. Most people simply cannot successfully get results from more than that. You start seeing diminishing returns.


Me too :wink:

This will not work for everyone. You meditate and @Palpatine has studied hypnosis and the mind. Let’s stop encouraging beginners to overexpose.


My bad. Didn’t mean it to seem like that.

Do you still run microloops even if you have never run that particular title before? What is considered a microloop?

How do you all know microloops work?

It’s as if it’s always going to become less and less listening time or exposure

Isn’t having ten , fifteen, or twenty modules in a custom considered over exposure?

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I also understood from previous discussions that microloops were intended for long listened titles :thinking:

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30 secs to 3 min

They are also commonly used in the beginning to find your sweet spot regarding listening time. (Starting at 30 oder 60 sec. and raising by e. g. 10 sec every time.)

Listening to it and getting results?

IIRC that is the plan.

How is a person going to get any results from thirty seconds or a minute? Then add ten seconds or whatever until you find your sweet spot? I’m not sure what that even means

By getting exposure to a part of the script. Even though it’s not the full script with all the objectives getting exposure, it’s still some of the script with some of the objectives.

Yeah, every time you listen you listen for a little longer, until you start hitting recon. Then you stop extending the time.


@James why would we recommend something to you that would not work? Why would we make suggest something that if it didn’t work, would constitute the end of our reputation?


Requesting to add the official instructions for microloops in the subclub manual or atleast articles related to microloops soon.


I understand that. I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around it. I get that things and technology changes and advances. I will have to push back my confusion and try it myself .

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I was hesitant about the lower loops for man. I will say, after switching to mainly 3-5 minutes my results have shot to the moon. This mainly applies to titles with NSE.

All I can say is give it a shot if you haven’t. I initially got awesome results with 15 minutes before the titles were updated, so with the updated I went right for 15 minutes as well, I spent around 2-3 months doing that and getting sub par results because I was in recon for most of that period, but was so use to being in that state, I didn’t notice it.

Let’s use a horrible example to see if it makes sense. Say you start taking pain killers/pills. (ZP2). Initially the amount of the active ingredient you would need (opium) is relatively high to get the intended effect.

With heroin, being much more concentrated, you would need significantly less of a dose to have an even more potent effect, and going beyond that dose could have negative consequences.

Then there’s something like phetonyol. Where even the most microscopic amount has an incredibly potent effect on you, and you defientley don’t want to over so it. The way the titles are made now, you are getting that same amount of scripting that we used to have to run for multiple hours per day, in less then a few minutes, while getting more optimal results.

@SaintSovereign apologies for comparing your products to heroin lol, just trying to illustrate.


Maybe it’s like; you got 1 tequila glass amount of mental space to work with but half of a tequila glass of liquid gives you the best benefits for your goals… and when you listen full 15 minutes you get x3 tequila glass of information coming in and the extra liqud is spoiled and your full glass still overloads you because half glass was your optimal since you needed that mental space for other daily activities etc.