Main Disc. Thread -- The New KHAN: Love and War (Now Available! Free upgrade!)

How long have you been running Khan? @Spartan

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Hey Big Daddy!!!


Lastvyear i went through levels 1 through 3, do I need to begin at 1 or can I go straight to 4?

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If it was the older Khan you did, then you’d want to start at st1. If it’s the L&W version, should be ok to go to the next stage.


Once all 4 stages are complete, can stages 2,3, and 4 be stacked for a cycle?

First results of TB


Why would you do that instead of running those stages in accordance with your growth?

Looking for shortcuts when working with all those powerful tools given at our disposal is slowing our own progress tremendously. If that’s what you’re intending to do, given the other post about stacking DR st1 and 2.

Don’t go this way, mate. Work on the most critical subjective limitations to your growth. Choose the best tools for the job and do the work.

Another thing is, it’s not about just running the subs. You really need to work with them on your limitations in order to really grow.



Khan ST4 combines ST2 and 3 plus additional features unique to ST4, no healing from ST1.

DRR ST4 contains ST1,2, and 3, same with KB.

The only multistager officially permitted to run different stages at the same time is RMV as each stage targets a different musical skill.

Regarding the other multi stagers it’s simply not necessary. ST4 is your best bet if wanting the benefit of the other stages.


I deleted a bunch of my posts as well. Back to running Khan TB solo tomorrow. I can’t allow myself to get distracted by other titles. I have to stay with Khan . I feel that the longer I run it the closer a major breakthrough happens .

I have been rereading how people running Khan became incredibly serious. I almost desperately need a high level of seriousness in my life. I feel that I rely on escapism instead of dealing with life and moving forward.


Yeah I’m forcing myself to stick to TB solo, though I’ve floated the idea of running short loops of SSX alongside it…


Love seeing fellow friends on khan! This title is so fun!


Speaking of fun.
Had my second loop the day before yesterday. 5:55 instead of 2 minutes like the first time. The first time, I was enraged, I wanted to see the world in flames.

This time, I felt absolutely nothing. Calm, collected.

Now I’m having breakfast with my 93 yea told grandma and had a few strange thoughts. Now, thinking about one specific fact, I felt the same feeling only more intense. Than I knew it.

It was RAGE

And suddenly it’s really fun to feel this rage.


So nice !!!
Slash punches my own face

Most fun title i swear. Cant wait for kb update too and name embedding.


Khan 2 and drred feels really damn solid, lots of girls in my dms recently lol.
I feel masculine family man vibe solidify.

Khan1 was like digging a well to reach the source of my masculine essence, while khan 2 is building the well


Your consistency is inspiring @Akephalos . Keep it up bro.


Khan St 2 or Khan Black?


Khan st2, waiting for kb update.

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Thanks, i feel just sticking with these multistagers long term delivers best results and permanent big shifts compared to people switching often subs. Thats why im on consistency with khan and drr