Main Disc. Thread - The Ecstasy of Gold ZP

I am so excited to begin my EoG journey in 5 days.

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Gonna burn it all down! I mean those unhelpful beliefs, and set your inner and outer millionaire on fire!







More reports from my EoG runs:


@ksub @Light-hearted-sith come on guys you talk about making trillions. a million or several is very realistic in 10 years. and then you can sustain it and make steady passive income from it so you don’t have to work. and then that’s when you can use your time and energy and mind to make several more millions since you won’t have to do it for the money. be a bit more realistic, stop flying in the clouds.


This is speaking from a crab-mentality mindset. What if they actually succeeded at doing this? Would you still say the same stuff?

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You need to run EoG to widen your possibilities :grin:

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first of all, don’t talk to me like that! it’s very rude. and secondly i doubt it from the way they write. it’s like trying to fill a void by making money. if it was that easy everyone would be a millionaire! yet these guys are talking about making trillions! do you know how much money is trillions??? and what it takes to make them?? i doubt it

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I never talked about making trillions. He said he wants to make enough money to buy Microsoft, which is trillions. That’s his goal, not mine. He was wondering which subs can help. Whether that is possible or not, I gave him my perspective on which subs could help him move that way.

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It isn’t an issue of how nice I am. It’s more an issue that I observed something which I thought might help enrich your thinking a bit, and cared enough to take the time to bring it up.

Outside of my own growth while using these products, I view my secondary purpose on the forum as helping as many others grow as I can. We are all in this together.


sorry man, wasn’t talking about you, but the other guy

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nice frames dude.

Whhats the recomended listening pattern on this?
I am thinking about running
Day 1
ST1 and ST2

Day 2

Day 3
ST1 and ST2

for 21 day cycle. and then next cycle of ST3 and ST4

Is that fine? i am also tempted to add RICH in somewhere, bit confused if i can listen to RICH alternate days with ST1 and ST2?

The main recommendation for multi-stagers is one stage at a time. So like ST1/ST1 every other day.

If you want to put R.I.C.H. in, the 3-sub rotation per recommendations would be:
Day A: EoG
Day B: R.I.C.H.

I love EoG, it rocks!


thanks for the response.
How many days should i be running 1 stage? complete 1 cycle at 1 stage?

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Yeah the official recommendation is 21 days, 3-5 days rest, another 21 days. About 45 days per stage total


Check out this post from username SaintSovereign:

"You can switch stages at each washout period, which is around 21 days. Do not start play lawyer games with that statement, start listening today or tomorrow knowing that you have 5 days left before a washout, and then switch to the next stage.

EDIT: That being said, yes, we do recommend running each stage for 2 periods, around 45 days. Keep in mind that there’s much less exposure time on ZP."


Obvious you ran Chosen !:sunglasses:

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