Main Disc. Thread - The Ecstasy of Gold ZP

The majority of Mogul objectives are verbatim on EoG so I believe Mogul is incorporated in EoG.

I think you are wrong, Mogul has been nowhere mentioned to be within EOG.

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You probably don’t know but when we had Qv2, not ZP, in the description was exactly mentioned Mogul is in AM and Emperor not in EOG as I said.

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I’m well aware that Mogul was in AM and Emperor. Being mentioned that it is in those and not mentioned in EoG doesn’t mean it’s not in EoG.

In user reports, plenty of those on EoG report a lot of business-building motivation and such, the same kind of things in Mogul. And it would make sense, if I were creating EoG to be a useful, comprehensive wealth sub, to include Mogul. If I were writing the objectives while reviewing the script and I saw a bunch of scripting in another sub, I too would just copy and paste objectives from the other sub.

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Maybe a support ticket will bring more clarity.

Ran Ascended Mogul Qv2 for 8 months, for Mogul ZP for 5 months, now running EOG ST 1 ZP, and I can safely say that they feel nothing alike whatsoever.

While it’s TRUE that on EOG you feel a surge of business-building motivation…

In my personal experience, the business building motivation in EOG is nothing like the business building motivation in mogul. They are extremely different. EOG really does FEEL like a long term wealth program. And one should certainly stack EOG ST 1 with Mogul for 6+ months while starting a business.

However, I’m at the place in my business now where listening to Mogul feels counterproductive, because it doesn’t align with my goals.

See my comparison of EOG vs Mogul from my EOG journal for more context.


If you plan on creating a starting wealth stack, it would be incredibly productive to stack Mogul with EOG.

This combo would be absolutely beautiful, and I wish that when I was starting out in my agency journey, that I combined the two, instead of only listening to Ascended Mogul. I had all these misconceptions that because EOG is long term it means “you don’t get results fast…”

Completely false.

Unless you’ve ran a wealth sub solo for over 6 months, don’t skip out on Mogul or Ascended Mogul. But if you want the most financial success possible in your life, don’t skip out on EOG. They’ll stack beautifully and both will contribute to your success in their own unique ways.


Great comparison. Thanks!

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Major Win today. After not having heard from him after we spoke few weeks ago, he calls me today out of the blue and we seal a deal. 2 deals actually. This used to be (and still is) my biggest retainer till date guys. Couldn’t have ever thought he’d show up out of nowhere after a year and few months. I’ve read the dotts’ books about 3 times now, and I really think its all beginning to sink in deeply. More to come


The frequency of me seeing the "4"s drastically increased in the last 2 weeks. I see them everywhere at the most random places, I’ve lost count. Can’t make this shit up. Now instead of 444, its 4444, (44 followed by another 44) and they appear at same place. 44 likes, 44 comments. Download an app on the store, 4.4 stars, 44 reviews. Boarded a cab, 44 on his dashboard, 44 on the jersey of a random dude that passed by just as I was entering the vehicle. Insane stuff.


I am on eog stage 1 and I am seeing repeating numbers so much time per day too. Almost every hour when I check it’s 11:11 15:15 and so on. At least 5 times a day. Also wiews on songs I produce are repeating like 777 666 when I check. I observed that hose things happen when I am producing music or thinking about future music career or thoughts like that. I am also using ultimate artist.


I think EoG is by far the more productive subliminal in ZP. I ran Mogul when it first came out and didn’t really get anywhere, but in the middle of Stage 2 I found my passion and it hit hard. I have been so tunnel visioned since and am always wracking my brain on how to make it successful and monetize it.

I also was promoted and received at 28% raise on st2. I feel so much more comfortable around money. I don’t covet it like I used to. Now I covet Podcaster and youtubers who have “made it” my passion is also history which is hard to become a millionaire from but I am so confident that EoG will get me there. Especially with the boost from Love Bomb for All Humanity.

Bottom line l, if you stick to it and can withstand some recon EoG is the guiding light to find your passion.


Inspiring text @Pyro, thanks for sharing that :pray:

I think everyone could benefit greatly from at least running stage 1 to clear away bad monetary beliefs, and often they are so outside of ones awareness that we don’t even know we have them. That is what I’m currently doing.


For some reason the thought of running EOG and A Love Bomb for Humanity made me think of this


I completely agree. People are forever told that money, wealth , and rich people are evil. I bet if people ran EOG , A Love Bomb for Humanity, and True Sell their entire lives and perspective would change entirely


Well said. I grew up in a middle class family so money was never in abundance and almost never in scarcity. But the older I get, I notice more and more that I have some bad money beliefs deep down. Money is one of the most anxiety inducing topics in the world, most people I meet stress over money, and wouldn’t it be nice to not have that? :smiley:

Interesting stack there :+1:


I grew up with that same mindset, EoG scheduled for Oct :moneybag:


I was lower middle class. I know I still have issues now because I am always wondering how people can afford things. I understand everyone’s situation is different but the fact that I’m focused on that says a lot
I will be running EOG St 1 for a while

I can still hear my Mother’s voice complaining about being broke or my Father and Step Mother actively avoiding debt collection calls and filing for bankruptcy multiple times.
All of them spending money on things they obviously didn’t need.


Sounds like a good plan @James

I remember my mother always complaining that things were expensive wherever we went :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


2nd Cycle started of EOg ST2