Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP

That was a typo I meant combine the two. If I had to add a third though it would be commander ZP

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For me, stark kinda felt like i wanted to impress people, meanwhile daredevil felt like i didnt give a fuck about what other people think about me.

This has also made daredevil far more blunt for me while stark is charismatic, but quite “safe”,

Im not sure wether or not recon may be a bit involved with this given stark is a lot bigger than daredevil, but ive tested both quite extensively and this has been my experience with them.


In a way, yes.

But what I was mainly referring to was that unbearable anxiety you were getting for not going and talking, because if you’re in the gym, working hard on yourself, you need to be focused on your workouts, and that anxiety you feel in the gym because of not approaching your crush is going to crush your workouts instead (and not in a good way), because when you get that anxiety, you’ll lose focus, and if you know me, I put gym and working out above any and all girls.

So if you add emperor to stark, you’d be focused, and respectfully do the “approaching” after the gym, plus you’ll get that “high value man” vibe to you, so she might approach instead :man_shrugging:t2:

Win-win situation, don’t you think :wink:?


I did create a stark primal seduction custom and added in lots of healing, forgiving and seduction modules plus stuff like immortal blade to protect against voodoo and black magic.

Immortal blade is very powerful i think @King also has immortal blade.

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What makes you think so?

You were talking about using this in another thread.

If you do not believe me check the following thread

Does it also protect against evil eye :thinking:?

If yes, then I think this would be better for me than Fenrir.


The only black magic i care for right now is box of black magic chocolates yummy yummy

download (1)


Possibly my friend is someone using evil eye on you ?

@Azriel please share your experiences with immortal blade its so powerful. I am sure in another thread you talked about how it deflected evil spirits.


Don’t think I ever did buy that module.

You believe in this?

King please be careful when you put photos of voodoo dolls on the thread. I felt pins and needles in my feet when i got up from my chair.

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I do daily prayers for this, and having something extra would help.


These days I spend less time thinking about such things which I cannot control and focus on what I can control.

@Invictus using immortal blade will ward off “evil eye” .



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Guys my point is if you make a stark custom add in immortal blade.


This got me

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I may have written about it but I don’t recall well.
I ran it in a custom with Q and felt like it supported in transition to feeling more fully in control
of my own internal experience in life. Like I was being less affected by external forces/influences in general. I also had many positive and uplifting modules that contributed but my sense was Immortals Blade was important part.


Stark is to Daredevil. Like Emperor is to Ascension.

If you want pure rapid fast social effects without any of the other cognitive enhancement, fame, wealth scripting in Stark, Daredevil will get you there much faster and with far less density / recon. The social effects of Stark are still powerful but can sometimes be diluted by the rest of the script.


Daredevil will make you social however Stark is icing on the cake its adds a slice of intellectual fluidity to your social interactions plus the fame aura helps make you the spot light.