Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP

That’s an interesting idea. What makes you think that’s what occurring?

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Because both of those are my current stack, and I feel like I have the self-awareness to pinpoint the exact effect.

Plus, both me and @AlexanderGraves felt it during the private test period.

In fact, @AlexanderGraves don’t you feel like running ME and then Stark gives a similar feeling to the one we got during the private test :thinking:?

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Absolutely. I felt reminded of the initial “BLISS AND BLOOM” when I first ran ZP :smiley:
Idk why it vanished over time, but ME definitely brings it back. Good decisions of the chiefs to put a version of ME in many subs (if not all).


I see. Thank you for elaborating.


First listen of Stark ZP today.

Feels really good, positive, and optimistic. Walking taller and have been super friendly to people all morning. (Or maybe they’ve been super friendly to me??)

Prior to this 5 day washout most people out in public would annoy me. But today seems like I’m giving everyone the benefit of the doubt (coffee shop employees, other drivers, co workers).


Listened to Stark with Chosen today, here’s the update;


Interesting, on Emperor I was waking up every single day at 5:30am or slightly earlier. Without setting an alarm. Even on weekends.

Yesterday was day 1 of Stark, today - an off day and I slept until 6:30am only waking up because the girlfriends alarm went off.

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Emperor ZP? I woke up at 5AM with Q versions, but never with emp zp…

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Yep, ZP

Every version of emperor has caused this for me since the original.

But for some reason i can never stick to emperor for more than a month.


@lovage I think the different reaction that everyone gets from ZP are due to the deeply personnal experience created by ZP.


Interesting, what can I say haha

How pronounced are the results you got from emperorZP
And how is the permanence?

It’s been 7 days since I finished emperor. I’d say results are still blooming.

Just off the top of my head -

crushing every workout and looking forward to them.

I feel on equal level with other high status people / those in authority

I’m happy and I cut off negative thought loops quickly. Feel optimistic for the future

Discipline is greatly enhanced. I do what I say I will when I say I will. Workouts, self improvement courses, work, chores.

Girlfriend randomly mentioned a couple weeks ago I’m talking louder and to me my voice feels stronger, more resonant.

Not sure how to describe this but When I look in the mirror I think I look more like someone not to be fucked with. Just an edgy intensity to my gaze.

This bloom has inspired me to lessen the number of loops for my next run which is STARK - the topic of this thread.


Are we talking ZP, and in that case what will the number of loops be approx?

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Yes, ZP

Followed the standard op, so 11 listens in 21 days.


Cool, so you run 1 title for each period or multiple titles?

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One title with a few listens to Diamond and Sex Mastery (both ZP).

Right now I just started Stark ZP, doing this solo for a couple weeks then might throw in Mogul or an Alpha title depending on how Stark feels.


Couple things:

  1. Normally I spend most my days just annoyed by the majority of people I have to interact with. Since starting stark I haven’t been getting annoyed when I usually would. It’s like I’m on a higher plane and that stuff just doesn’t register anymore.

  2. I have a couple shops I’m a regular at. I recognize the employees and they recognize me. But I’m not a small talk kind of person so it’s usually just friendly and quick. However, over the past couple days two different employees have said almost the exact same thing “I’m sorry I see you here all the time but I’ve never got your name”. Now they are greeting me by first name when I go in.


Just some Stark sh*t for y’all.


Why you posted the same link twice??

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