Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP

Saint’s gonna be confused when he realizes that 2 of the subs he made with cognitive enhancements are outperforming a gaming sub, when it comes to gaming :joy:


:joy:I hope there’s a reason why

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This comment is legit. When playing league, I’m so calm and collected. I’ve played so much better. My yasuo is getting so much better. Honestly, if stark is this good, I wonder how GMX is.

I might just do a Rebirth + Stark only.

Side note: gonna drop Wanted for awhile


most people here won’t understand much about this, but man, my first ever beyblade (E+Q3+F) with yasuo was done 2 days ago.

now I’m planning to see if Stark ZP can push me towards my first keyblade (E+Q3+F → E+Q+R) :stuck_out_tongue:


The feeling you get when you do combos like that is the reason why I main him so hard.

This combo is hard sometimes. It was so much harder to do when I thought I was going to mess up. I spammed training mode for a long time. With the calming effect, it makes it so much easier and I don’t end up second-guessing myself on Stark.


They’re not outperforming GMX.

GMX ZP is essentially Emperor for gamers, targeted at those who want to being professional gamers. That means, it tackles emotional issues standing in the way of that goal.

We know what that means: R E C O N C I L I A T I O N

Meanwhile, Stark has nothing that would touch on those same emotional subjects, but it has a ton of cognitive enhancement, meaning your performance in gaming will skyrocket as a result. You’ll see this happen with Mind’s Eye too — your gaming skills will increase.

That being said, anyone who really wants to be a professional gamer will get much better long term results skills wise by sticking with that program.

Casual gamers? You may be good with most other ZP’s as they all enhance cognition (it’s part of the ZP Primer).


Pls do not delete the intelligence / dedication / productivity scripting in KhanZP, no matter if there is some cognitive enhancement in the ZP Primer.



If you look at it from my perspective, this could explain why some people might be better off using a non-fitness oriented sub like EmZP for gains, rather than Spartan ZP :thinking:

Could also explain why I’m making gains so easily with EmZP now, compared to Spartan ZP (not saying I didn’t gain anything, strength was off the roof), as Spartan brought out my body dysmorphia to the surface :sweat_smile:


Gmx has created crazy skills based on my standards. (I’m usually good at it.) rm is also helpful in games.(Learning various patterns quickly)


Would that be the case with most/all Weapon X subs, or only the weapon X subs that have been brought to ZP?


Spark is one of them

The other??

EQV2 is greatly improving my creative writing ( in spanish language).

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Mind’s eye ZP

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Update: Did this again last night lol.

Y’all let us worry about what scripting to include where. Post what features you want to see on the roadmap and then trust our implementation.


More than wow! I would ask why?
Did you notice any specific relation to getting subliminal results and cognition. Like enhancement of cognition would mean better retention of script and execution of affirmations or uts just something else?

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That goes for other subs too? I posted for an RM ZP request,

Should i post another one asking for what features also?

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There’s currently feature threads going round. Might be good to post one of those and get people’s thoughts.

If you can edit your request on the Roadmap you can then link to the thread.


Tried a loop of StarkQ ZP and my tolerance for bullshit went straight out the window :sweat_smile:

Combined with a positive restlessness and getting bombarded with ideas from my subconscious.

Makes for a beautiful combo with CFW so thats gonna be in my stack moving forward.


I would REALLY fancy the objectives for Stark updated next, pretty please @SaintSovereign :wink:


Pretty please from me too :slight_smile:

@AlexanderGraves you running both Emperor and Stark Zp? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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