Main Disc. Thread - Seductress ZP

Because I’m a “lesbian” in the way I seduce, and connect with women.

Another thing is, thinking that ultra masculine traits are best for attracting ultra feminine women is a common misconception.

I hope SC is going to take it into account one day, although SSX works great for me, tapping into my lesbian soul’s power.


I feel my safest most softest feminine self with a man who embodies his femininity.

I feel a deeper more raw connection with a man who has healthy balanced masculine and feminine qualities.

Keyword: balanced.

Too much of anything is no good for me.



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Men with a lesbian soul are the most potent seducers for the things you mentioned.

Seduction leads to the deepest connection, and sex is just a step towards it, or one of the gateways on the way to it.

I’m a woman at heart, and I ravish feminine women. It’s close to worshipping, but sex is always an essential part of it, although not its goal.



What’s its goal ?!

Asking for a friend ?


This is an extremely deep topic that would also depend on the individuals.

Let’s remind ourselves that the recommended use case for Seductress is for women to attract men and for women to change who they are, to become a “Seductress”.

Beyond that is not official SC recommendation.

Now, have there been rare cases of for example gay men utilizing Seductress to become more feminine? Yes.

I’m not sure if @Brandon ran it, but I believe he might be more well versed in these non-recommended uses of Seductress.

As for heterosexual men running Seductress… This is theory as we do not have data for this, but I imagine, based on my own personal experience and knowledge, it would depend massively on who you are and how in touch you are with both of your sides.

I’ve noticed that there is an inherent balancing act in the world happening at all times. Opposites attract, extremes give birth to the other and the world naturally attempts to achieve equilibrium.

If you’re already extremely feminine and do not have an ounce of masculinity in you, it could be too much and you would likely end up attracting masculine women.

If you are extremely masculine and ran a couple micro-loops here and there, it might be, in theory, able to help you balance yourself out. Again, not a recommended use case.

If you are already more or less balanced and want to explore deeper the more feminine aspects of your being? Potentially, but you’d have to be more advanced and be intimately aware of your deeper being and how it changes and responds to things. Again, not a recommended use case.

Finally, I’d say most people want more than just a one-dimensional individual next to them. A man who is a grunting pile of muscle without substance is empty. A man who is so in touch with his emotions he breaks down at the first sign of trouble is useless.

A man who can be in the middle of a fire and yet lead calmly and kindly is balanced, and therefore powerful and fascinating, for it is a rare sight.


Continuing to see, hear and feel results from this title.


I wonder if this title will get an upgrade. It is pretty incredible already.

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All in due time. Seductress update and Seductress Dark release.

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Hopefully soon. Maybe more females will join the fun then! :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:

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Do you know the future nse plans in upcoming months not following the updates

No my friend. Those are only known to Fire and Saint.

I (and the admins and forum ambassadors) know only about the releases written about on the forum by the founders.