Main Disc. Thread - Sanguine Ultima

Quite interesting. I know that we were getting to see that Ultima was more powerful than we initially thought but it’s great to hear that it’s causing even more.


Yeah and permanent too. I saw Ultimas as only boosters, like when I need a quick fix to change my mind but not for long term like Q.

I was seeing SanguineQ as a longterm super calm way of looking at life, and Ultimas as a quick fix when I’m having a bad day. Like a subliminal smoking break so to speak

This pretty much sums Ultima up now. In my eyes, and I’m sure I’ve seen Saint say it somewhere, correct me if I’m wrong, that they’re more profound than they thought and they’ve become like Major Programs.

I saw that BLU had been ran like a Major Program with great results which is phenomenal.


Has anybody been using Sanguine Ultima recently? Would love to see some thoughts on it. In either Ultima or Ultima v2 format (preferably v2). Interested in using it combat depression/depressive symptoms and to improve optimism in general.

I had used it since the beginning of my subliminalclub journey
And the Ultima 2 is my Favorit.
it makes me trust myself and my abilitys and cheers me up


That’s great! Thanks for telling me that, convinces me to get it soon. A few questions.

  1. How soon do you feel the effects when listening to it?

  2. How does it pair with the other subs in your stack. Do you think it enhances results in anyway? Maybe reduce recon?

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The sales page says that it’s great with any stack, and that it does reduce recon.

Guys, how well does Sanguine work for you in terms of dealing with recon?

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Idk Sanguine just used to make my brain fog worse. I wasn’t as sad or down anymore just bleh because my mind was heavy and everything was going in slowmo. Sage immortal gave me the sanguine feeling I was looking for


It has helped calm my neurotic anxious mind down a bit. Part of it is I only run 1 sub and then use SanguineU as a booster. It also heals a lot of uncomfortable emotions that come up in my experience. Not a quick fix but over time will be Hella useful.


Sanguine just isn’t effective against the kind of recon I come up with nowadays. If the option is listening to Sanguine vs. listening to nothing, the latter wins. Needs an update.


I suggest Sage immortal ultima

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The big way this Ultima really helps is taking life less seriously. That doesn’t mean I’m doing nothing, rather it’s easier to take action because I’m lessening my attachment on the outcome. It’s still there but at a lower volume in my mind.

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@millyx that might actually be a good idea. A bit funny to utilize SG U as a booster but I can see it.

Sage Immortal U is if I remember considered a major. Just something to keep in mind when planning.


@Tobyone it seems a bit strange that would be the case. This would be like considering DR U a major (assuming the strategy is to throw one loop in every once in a while, not every day)!

After all, Ultimas based off Majors are generally considered fast-acting but also narrower in scope.

I can’t find where I read it, I’m not Meng-approved yet. I might be mistaken, maybe I dreamt it. I ran it today and it felt quite dense, but sa you said still an Ultima.

Of course, there are risks to its efficacy when one hasn’t run the main program for a while. Still I’d be willing to take that risk given my completion of DR and the fact that I won’t be doing an SG main run anytime soon.

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Idk if this technically the right place to post this because it’s not the Ultima version but Sanguine (the normal module) in my custom has helped me get back to being so much happier and being me again after the horrendous shit I’ve been through the past few months. I’m still having my issues and arguments, in fact I’ve just gone outside because I’ve just had one with the ex boyfriend but Sanguine is such a good module, and even the Ultima.

I feel like I’m starting to be myself and bring back the kick ass energy I know I have. I feel pretty fucking great to be honest. I’ve still got shit to deal with but I’ve definitely been more positive and looking more on the bright side of things by adding it to my custom.

I actually notice when people are negative too. My ex has been down because of the guy we’ve both been doing things with and I’m literally having to tell him to stfu with his negativity since I went through the same thing - by myself yet he has me and other people he can speak to about it but he’s constantly negative saying how things won’t work and all this shit.

Such a great sub and module to include.