Main Disc. Thread: Sage Immortal (Core Also Available on Custom Store)

I haven’t done the Alchemist program, but I’ve been meditating almost every day for twelve years. Yes, I’ve missed a day here and there, but I’ve meditated more days than not. Would I gain more than just inner calm from this sub, without any major problems?


Yes. You’re well situated to experience more of what this program has to offer.

At the risk of being hyperbolic, I’ll put it this way.

I’ve been walking almost every day for over 4 decades. But, never in all of that time have I walked on water.

Now if someone offered a program that could help you to walk on water, it would definitely really help if you were already very good at walking.


Also, plateaus

Jogging every day. Singing every day. Meditating every day.

You know that when you’re engaged in a long-term practice, you spend lots of time on plateaus.

It’s not just a continuous ascent or an ever increasing deepening. There are periods of evolution, but there are also many periods in which you’re treading the same altitude. Not a bad thing if you’re practicing for the love of it, but that’s still how it is.

If you do the NY Times crossword puzzle everyday for years, you get faster over time, but eventually you get to your personal best time, and tend to hang out around there. You don’t get faster and faster every year until you’re solving the whole thing in 10 seconds.

For the long-term practitioner, Sage Immortal facilitates a further deepening, a further leap.

This is my intuitive view of it from reading the description.


p.s. Much props and respect for maintaining a 12 year meditation practice.

That is beautiful. I hope you’ll talk about your story at some point. What led you to it? How did your practice mature into constancy? What stages and phases has your practice passed through over the years? Or anything else that you want to say.

Thank you. It was something that developed out of martial arts practice years ago, and it helps a lot with my ptsd. I started off, as most do, with a focus on the breath. I hated it for a long time, but I knew the benefits and I was just drawn to it.

Ove the years, I found Kundalini Yoga and finally Kriya Yoga, which I get a genuine and natural high from. It leaves my spine buzzing with a kind of cool (as in cold, but pleasant) electricity. I feel “ordinary” without it. The only downside was that for about 2 years so much stuff was dredged up into my conscious mind, but it’s worth it in the end. If there’s an interest, I might talk a bit more about it sometime.


You are running Sage already, right? Do you want to stack these two yourself and what are you missing that you want to experience with Wanted?

When I was testing Sage Immortal, I was not engaging in any direct spiritual practice. Instead, I immersed myself in scientific journals, studied quantum computing and took a refresher on mathematics and calculus. For me, these are “spiritual” in the sense that it helps me explore and understand the universe. I felt that SG helped A LOT with those studies. If you spend time meditating on existence and your inner life, SG can help.


lol, if anyone tries this, PLEASE let me know. This… seems like a very interesting combo. I think you’re on to something, @James.


I run both and it is really really good so far - but easy to overdo.

On the aura front the combi of wanted’s mustique aura with sage’s inner calm is awesome.

Furthermore, I am super produtive on sage but I’m doing things with the relaxed collness of Wanted.


@Sebastian_Po did you contemplate running WANTED and Sage Immortal?

@RVconsultant I tried sending you a message but did submit a support ticket as there is no login link on the main site

Thank you for posting this.

I will notify staff now.

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I have a “My Account” link on the top right of

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yeah,still thinking about it…maybe later this year …will have a test flight…one week or two…

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You mentioned Neville, here’s Josephy Murphy who more covers the psychic aspect that I haven’t heard Neville talk about. Here he covers the collective unconscious etc. ESP - Extra-sensory Perception - Dreams - Joseph Murphy - Talk - The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind - YouTube

Anyone have any mini-sum up reviews of Sage Immortal? I already bought it but I’m using Alchemist first.

Would love to hear some things people have noticed/manifestations and whatever else people would like to share.

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Psychedelical :slight_smile:


Can you elaborate haha?


The oneness, the unbreakable concentration, the slowing of time, the flow, the rapid synchronicity, the expansion of awareness, the connection with little beings, the serenity, and my favorite: the visual changes. Objects are just looking more vibrant, finding beauty in little things such as the light passing through a glass. I usually don’t like spiders, I respect them and see their grim beauty from a distance, but I have been lately just staring at how they move around their webs with those pinpointed stilettoes they’re wearing over such thin fibers.

About manifestation of knowledge: I’d think of a topic and within a day or two I’d find the required knowledge popping out in the least expected way. Some of the books were already available, nothing arcane and rare but its something that I made a desire for. About rare books, a few days ago while randomly surfing the net I ended up on a page carrying an old book from 1905 or 1950, can’t remember, that was on auction with less than 12h left, the highest bid was ~70 and the book went for 500$ on amazon USA with but one copy. No pdf around at all. Some book about witchcraft.

If name embedding hits tomorrow, its the first thing I’m buying


Thank you for the reply!

This sounds fucking awesome to me to be honest…damn bro. Making me want to make that third custom haha.

Great results so far!


a small review on SGU pairing Alchemist st 1 …I think it is quite interesting…given the fact that I only listened to this stack two day…the result is astonishing…