Main Disc. Thread - RICH Experimental ZP

Saint recently answered this. You will be able to use the discounted rebuild link for ZP customs upgraded to ZP v2.

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Ran two micro loop.

Got two call both involving money that I had to get awhile now. 1 I will still have to wait later down but I got some tonight. I have to be very careful with this title.


what exactly is the improvement ? just for recon or for better result more

See my post above.

Less primer, more core script. The effect for most seems to be much better results, quicker, stronger, with less recon.
Overall, a much nicer experience.


Wow I was asking hard for this sub but nobody seems to care lol

it keeps on giving! Not just the insane mindset shifts, it also is giving me RUTHLESS DETERMINATiON in putting the pieces together for my business. I am ruthlessly cutting pointless stuff, consolidating it all as narrow as possible to make the customer journey as easy as possible.

This feels insanely good! Also it has me reach out to people for collaboration because alone I likely won’t cut it!

And it all is still coming from this 3 minute loop!

It also changed my mindset on money and spirituality. While I work with manifestation, magick, and all that, that is cool and well. But stop just sitting around waiting for it. Work TOWARDS it, finally own your shit money-wise and pull yourself out of it, you’ll love yourself once done!

What a great sub!


Does it make sense when i say that three new pathways of wealth generation have opened up.

But the wealth has not yet generated.



The distance between the new pathways opening up and the money getting in your pocket is action. Have you been taking action?


no doubts, yes

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Now you’ve gotta walk down the path


Keep doing, what you have been doing my friend.

Does it make sense that opening 3 new pathways to wealth is a result? :wink:

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Keep at it. The pathways open, then the manifestation occurs.


Pathway 1: Actively Trading in Stocks
Pathway 2: COO of Tech Start Up
Pathway 3: Director of Sales of Family Business

Title 1: HOM
Title 2: Stark
Titles 3: Rotating between Emperor, RICH and Wanted Core custom in qv2.


For pathways 1 and 2, I agree.
For pathway 3 : Look into True Sell

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Took a while, but RICH (in one of my customs) is now just beginning to shine through.

(I’m the one who chose to include three 20-module customs in my stack. So I’ve been prepared to wait a little while.)

This week, like the sound of melodic fifes breaking through during a lull in an orchestral performance, I registered it.

In truth, it didn’t take that long. I started this stack on August 12 2022. But the custom that has RICH in it was only added on October 1 2022. Just finished my second play period of the entire (3-program) stack last Saturday November 19 2022. I was actually prepared (and expecting) to wait much longer.


Love it. Thanks!

Does RICH + Rebirth in one custom make a sense?

Say more around what inspired that idea.

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when I ran Rebirth with AscMogul, AM’s scripting was better integrating into my mind, hence mind shifting was smoother and faster. Since then I love Rebirth and would like to add it into any custom as the second core. Though, now I want to find out if Rebirth will make a tandem with RICH since there’s few mind shifting in RICH what you can’t say about manifesting.
I would like to make a pure money manifesting custom, so I’m deciding between Rebirth Core and Ascension Chamber Core.

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