Main Disc. Thread - Renaissance Man

What are some of the Art forms or Craft Renaissance Man would ascribe to — I seem to have a difficult time discerning what path Renaissance Man would pave?

It’s an intriguing Title for me because of the many right-brain aspects it contains.

Obviously anything which has a creative and artistique touch to it would greatly align with Renaissance Man.

I’m just curious would it also help at becoming a psycho-therapist/psychologist, or someone who teaches pseudo-science?

Anything related to healing and teaching of our metaphysical nature?

I’d Love to hear someone else’s expertise on that, because I have no clue.


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curriculum design
writing fiction, non fiction, poetry,
graphic design
multi-media art
music production
mastering an instrument

I personally, worked on illustration, room decoration, cooking, curriculum design, and poetry when on it to great effect

I believe it would both in empathizing without being effected adversely by others energy but also with teaching, concept creation and expression in written or verbal form, finding innovative solutions for clients, and presenting one’s materials in an effective manner, and other marketing and branding involved in a personal business like that.


@Hermit @Azriel Various forms of martial arts?

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Something just hit me today. I never been into photography in any way or form. But recently I’ve found myself taking pictures of nature. Usually I’m just minding my own business when a sudden Wow hits. The sun shining perfectly through the trees over a lake, or ducks swimming under a bridge with it’s ducklings.

I just zone out for a moment just admiring the view with zero care about my sorroundings.


Yes! Very much.

Modern scientific psychology is reductionistic.

It often attempts to define human issues in terms of neural processes and chemical ratios.

There is great value in its contributions; but to stop only at such a view is a tragedy.

Metaphor. Soul. Story. Connection. Poetics. Texture. Meaning. Experience.

These cannot be reduced to chemistry, anymore than great literature can simply be reduced to combinations of alphabetical elements.

Every great therapist is a Renaissance Man or Woman, who learns to appreciate the diverse and vast terrain of human experience.

One common quote that you’ll hear is : “it is more important for a therapist to read great literature and poetry than it is for her to read psychology texts.”

An exaggeration? Possibly.

But there’s a lot of truth in it.

A Renaissance Man stands with bold and humble confidence amidst the swirling currents and flows of the Human Condition. She doesn’t run from complexity or from seeming paradox. He embraces it; weaves and innovates from it. Mistakes, wisdom, compassion, arrogance, empathy. She learns the feel of all of it.

For how can we aid travelers in crossing the great inner waters, if we’ve never struggled and exalted within them ourselves (even if only a little)?


This is ironic indeed, because you seem to follow the mold of the Renaissance man yourself.

It is defined less by what specific path or craft she chooses, and more so by its willingness to move beyond the boundaries of any one path.

It is this confident flexibility in expressing and pursuing creative potential that characterizes the Renaissance Man or Woman.

The liminality, the betweenness. Walking where others fear or simply did not imagine to tread.

The scientist-violinist who finds poetic beauty in the Fibonacci sequences of a snail’s shell, inspiring her to imagine new ways to design houses and cities.

A Renaissance person can exist in any craft or domain, but like @anon2351792’s Wizard, she will never be confined or trapped within it.

The images that come to mind are of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini. The boundary crossers. But also Leo. The great and proud performer. And Scorpio, who dives bravely into the depths of human instinct.

In truth, though, the Renaissance woman is free to explore all of the signs of the zodiac. Again, this reminds me of your path @Hermit.

EDIT: ah! And I only just now noticed for the first time that Hermit, Hermetic, and Hermès all share the same etymological root. Quite fitting, don’t you think? :wink:


i think this is obvious but just to make sure, RM helps with mastering crafts like music right? and music production,

Arts and crafts as in general, not only art as in Painting drawing etc ?

@SaintSovereign since youre a producer

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Everything. Art in all its forms. Every single thing that pecks or has ever pecked your interest. Science is within that category, at least for me: Science is sometimes more art than science


thanks for conforming! sometimes its not so obvious such as the Q module in the custom section just like “rembrandt”


Yeah, I get what you’re saying. If you’re truely willing, combine it with Ultimate Artist. All three work perfectly with Stark

thats my future custom, with UA :smiley: really good combo i think, but not for now

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how can RM manfiest? ive been running it for 2 i know its just 2 weeks

but the movie trailer hasnt been played it as @Simon says in his analogy of results beeing flatened

i cant notice that much. but in what ways can it manifest in terms of passive manfiestion ? @SaintSovereign

active manfiestion in terms of working on art and crafts will be noticeable, but how about the passive ones?

not so much i can notice
but maybe cause im running a stack of 3, so it needs more time than a stack of 2 or 1 core

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You have it all on the sales page, mate. :slight_smile:

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i meant, how did RM manfiest to any of you personally from running it, sales page are more general i would like to hear from people :grin:

If by manifest you mean what kind of effects it gives, for me it was the following:

  • confidence
  • eloquence
  • social
  • well-being/enhanced mood

I know is not the main purpose, but I felt extremely ready to socialize while on it. Similar to Stark, but without feeling “needy/weak” like I did with that one for some reason.


@Budewr - personal RM benefits:

  • More empathic and kind towards others without being a doormat.

  • More creative (in my case, better poetry and essays).

  • Curiousty about a wide varity of topics.

  • Heightened desire to be a polymath (well, I did have that desire before but it is even more now).

  • Want to learn many topics.

  • Soul searching for what I want to do with my life.

  • Better conversational skills (Listening and talking).

  • Sense of humor is better.

  • Reading and learning more.

  • Emotions feel more stable (alpha in emotional intelligence).


I’ve always thought that was cool :smiley:

i noticed that pretty well, i actually was watching a tv series and i really empathsized with the actress which is something i dont see myself doing very often, i usally dont get too involved in a movie or a series but now i feel like im a real watcher and i emptahsize more which is lovely

mee to i found out i can see things difffrently its like i can see things in a 3D way i dont see it in only one way, if someone tells me something or like a quote or anything i analizye it with more than 1 prespective its really awesome

i agree, i wanna learn more, i wanna absorb the secrets of this universe i listen more carefully to wisdom its very awesome

the rest idk im running stark so that might be whats doing all of this, but im seeing this too!

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Does RM have an aura module built in it?


does that mean, that it has a healing side to it?

i think i heared that every sub has a healing script or something like that, not sure though