Just for clarification, this is ZP v2 right?
Anyway, regardless…
I’ve been STRUGGLING with making choreo for the past two or so weeks (I’ve made enough for classes but for my company I’ve been struggling) with anything that isn’t a reteach.
Just came out of no where after I made like 6/7 combos back to back without any kind of real sweat…then BAM, blocked.
A friend gave me a song to choreograph to, which they don’t know I’m doing, and I’ve been trying to choreograph to it for the past two days, even today I’ve spent a couple hours on it legit just trying to get it done. Really wanted to try out UA and remembered that I have Renaissance Man instead (will be buying the former eventually).
As I was listening to the loop I decided to get back up to try and choreograph, I had a good blueprint but it needed editing, fixing and finishing…Took about 20 minutes and I’m done. The choreo is finished. Like what? I’ve been struggling. Like, legit struggling. Everything I tried before was feeling horrific. Even the choreo today felt like it was disgusting and not something that would sit right in my body which is important to me since I need to teach other people to get it to sit in theirs.
Anyway, the creativity from this thing is another level.
I didn’t even realise that it was potentially v2 but if it is, after some clarification (I’m sure it is) then v2 has been a game changer for me in terms of using subs - all of them that I’ve used. Barely any recon, results super quickly for different things and so much more.
I legit can’t believe I finished this choreo in like 20 minutes and I had a whole other half to do. I heard the musicality and got it done and had some new ideas and everything, I just don’t understand.
I’m aware this sounds like possibly an exaggerated comment but this was on another level.
I really didn’t want to let my friend down using this because they love K-POP and normally I don’t choreograph to it, but I’m pretty happy with this combo.
Disclaimer: this isn’t part of my stack. I really needed a booster of energy/creativity. It’s a one time thing for now, but I most likely need to start making customs to fit in everything I want.
Edit: don’t run this at 4am. A mixture of this and G Fuel to get me through Yoga earlier has me wired awake.