Main Disc. Thread - R.I.C.H. (Ridiculous Income, Can't Hate) Ultima

Weird. I don’t usually feel that much on the first pass with Ultimas. But I do with this one.

There’s a crisp, vivid feeling to my mind state.

Guess this area really is a priority for me. That’s how I’m choosing to look at it anyway.


Could be the new core, also.


The part about jealousy struck a cord with me. I hate the rich and always have . Especially rich politicians who steal from the poor.
I’m gonna get this


Yeah, getting rid of all the negativity towards money and towards the idea of getting rich is also that part which appeals to me most (apart from actually becoming rich, of course). I like Love Bomb but since my Golden Dragon (DR+Mogul) is mainly about healing and reframing beliefs related to money I should give R.I.C.H. a try. I guess my suppressed yet immense love for humankind should wait a bit longer.



They call me the ELON Musk
The real life Tony Stark in Task
Fame and glory in which I will bask
Won’t be shy to wear a mask

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feels pretty freaking good!

(i.e., …


Thanks again, @Fire and @SaintSovereign .


looks like we have similar heroes

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Feels like I’m now having the Ultima experience that I heard others describing with the previous Ultima core. But I didn’t get this with Love Bomb, so maybe it’s a combination of the new core and the script.

who knows (well, who beside the obvious…)


Another Shiny New Object by SC. :smirk:

This time … literally. :smile:



I saw it. Clearly, EmperorQ don’t need it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That’s how you won it. Non-neediness rules. Congrats. :hugs:


And neediness buys.

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If I were to run RICH as a major title.
Can I listen to it 2 times per day ?

The artwork somehow reminds me of this guy though.


Somehow, looks good on him. :ok_hand:t2:

I wonder how many days before…

Someone buys Diamond … thinking it is R.I.C.H.

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Bling. Bling. :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:



looking through their recommended stacks i was surprised that there wasnt rebirth or elixir in them. maybe the belief changing in RICH is very strong and you won’t need reborn as much

Excited to see where this component goes!


All the stack recommendations have RICH as a major title, can you use it as a booster? What would happen if I did? I have a healing stack right now, so I don’t have a spot for a major title on wealth. But could it help me manifest some more money as a booster too?

Thanks @Simon!

Will you be running this?

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Congrats, @Azriel! Now that’s winning a treasure in itself

And way to go, @SaintSovereign and @Fire. Such a fantastic product made even more brilliant by the stack combo examples you have given

2021 has started off great and I will add RICH U to my stack once I complete my current playlist