Main Disc. Thread - R.I.C.H. (Ridiculous Income, Can't Hate) Ultima

I have run RICH with Executive and you can’t help but get off your ass and do something

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I always believed that my pathways to wealth manifestation are like metal pipes carrying water, and I have turned on a lot of taps. However, for some reason, the pipes have been heavily choked, and the water is unable to flow from the taps. Tried many ways to clear the pipes, but without success.

Hopefully, R.I.C.H will clear my pipes once and for all.


Delete once more for a triple shot!


Got my laptop and starting work on my income generating project today


what kind of laptop did you get? I’m in the market and looking at things, getting ready to pull the trigger on a new one myself.

I got a new harddrive but the graphics card still sucks and generates heat so the fan noise is comically loud, it’s time to move on.

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I legit just clapped and cheer out loud. Happy hunting and making money. Remember – don’t get discouraged. If you build it, nurture it and really like what you’re doing. It’ll make money.


Thank you @SaintSovereign. I’m not going to give up. As a matter of fact because RICH has given me so much I may drop Executive for a bit and run Limit Destroyer Ultima in its place or altering days with Executive

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It’s what I need for the moment and to get things going

nice, I have a chrome book as well but I need one I do work I can’t do on chrome book. thanks for posting and happy treasure hunting.

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Oh man, I can’t even put words to what’s happening to me right now. R.I.C.H with Mind’s Eye is just an unbelievable combination.

If there’s a description I can give to it, it’ll be this –


See it, Feel it and it’s yours.

Everything is unfolding so magically, it’s better than spells, my God, just have to visualize the desired outcome totally forget about it, and boom…


It’s so weird to think where I was two years ago compared to now. Seems like an alternate reality or that it happened to someone else. I blame @SaintSovereign @Fire @Hoppa & @OldChap. Those guys either created products light years ahead of anyone else that work if you work , , pushed and mentored me , and just reading his testimonial got me off my ass . This is only the beginning


James in 3 to 6 months from now you will possess the midas touch !!.

Anything you touch will instantly turn to gold !!


Thanks, I didn’t realize it was reconciliation. I’ll take a break and go at it again.

With the way I feel now it seems like a very real possibility


Gonna nick name you James Goldfinger !


I don’t know if I understand this B side and how it fits in with the Q store. Are you indicating that soon we will have an option to build Ultima in A-format or B-format?


Hmm same here but i think this might be in Ultima+ lets see what happens

No, the old Ultima core will be phased out. We’re looking at how we can let people easily upgrade to the new core, if they’d like.


Naw, not Ultima+. This new core is a scripting upgrade. Ultima+ is build upgrade.


Build upgrade confirmation now am really excited you guy are going to make 2022 really good for me

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