Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Well, it got me out of depression hahaha, altough I’ve been having a down with the gym closed. I should go take some walk or something!


I just had the thought:

I wonder, with ZP, if multi-stagers will even still be necessary?

ZP programs are lighter, more focused, and more powerful. Easier to absorb and integrate.

So does this mean that the new ZP title could just be the final, stage 4 ‘Complete’ version of the originally multi-stage title?

But what about multi-stagers in which each stage contributes something somewhat unique? In other words, stages 1, 2, and 3 may offer something that is not completely addressed by Stage 4. Is that ever the case?

It will be interesting to see how this develops.


Yea it’ll be great to get an official word on that.

I think I’d run the first 3 stages for 45 days each and switch to the next stage. Then at stage 4 run that one up to 6 months or more. I’ve heard some mentions of a plateau of sorts so that was the beauty of rotating titles along with the bloom. And as you’re moving through each stage it’s like rotating titles so that’s a bonus. But none of that is official and just what I’ve gathered reading through many posts.


What makes sense to me is to have stage-associated benchmarks. In other words, once A, B, and C happen, then you’re definitely ready to move to the next stage.

A bit like exercise progressions. (As a very simple example: “once you can do 3-5 pull-ups comfortably, you’re basically ready to learn to do a muscle-up. If you can do 10-20 pull-ups comfortably and with good form, you’ll have a relatively smooth and easy time learning muscle-ups. If you are unable to do 1 pull-up, don’t waste time doing muscle-ups, unless you’re highly motivated to spend a lot more time on it.”)

I’d kind of like to approach subliminals in a similar way. Using stage-specific benchmarks or ranges of benchmarks.

That may not work perfectly in every case. (Doesn’t always work perfectly with physical exercises either.) But it’s something I do think about.


if ZP follows the same basic pattern as Q/QV2 for multi-stagers, I’d assume it’s enough to run ZPST1 and ZPST4 indefinitely to get the full benefit.


I have an insight on the nature of my motivation and how to amplify it.

If you consider crying as a healing sign like I do ,

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If you did not make a list of all the issues you felt challenged by … for your ZP title’s goals,

you may not even realize how many of those do not bother you at all any more.



Yes just running wanted ZP in the test healed a whole lot of other issues aswell.

ZP core script :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:


To come back to this point,

you would never make physical fitness progressions time-dependent.

You wouldn’t tell someone bench-pressing in the gym: “Lift 130 pounds for the next 4 weeks. After that, no matter what, increase to lifting 150 pounds. It doesn’t matter if 130 has gotten any easier. Or even if you’re able to do it successfully and with good form. The important thing is to make the change after 4 weeks.”

Instead, in training and skills-development, advancing is based on demonstrating sufficient competence and mastery at a particular level.

Same in schooling. In conventional schooling, most people are able to proceed to the next grade after attending classes in the current grade for 8-9 months. And that’s the length of the standard academic year (September to May or June, usually). But some people need longer than that time to master the curriculum. And others have already learned it quite well in 3-4 months.

A better system would be to simply have unified continuum-based curriculums for each important subject, and to allow people to progress continuously along the spectrum at the pace of their own mastery.

Schools are set-up as factory farms due to the traditional limitations of teachers in the educational structure. There weren’t enough teachers available to accommodate the individual differences of various students. Today with video and internet-based resources, there’s actually no need for that anymore. Each student could easily have a bespoke experience. Spending more time on things that were personally difficult, and more time on subjects that were mastered easily.

I’m not sure how well this applies to as protean an area as subliminals. It might be a real challenge to come up with benchmarks that are general enough to accommodate the diverse lifestyles, goals, and values of different people, yet specific enough to be practically applicable.


I think this could be a good application of that idea of “flow rate” Saint talked about…make it so once certain things in the script are integrated well enough, then the user would get an undeniable knowing that it’s time to move on.

Or even once a person starts using certain phrases (which could embedded in the subs) then Saint or whoever else would be like “You’re ready for the next stage”


You just inspired me to search through older posts by Saint and others to glean wisdom on this question.

This post from @Tarmac was good. And Saint agreed with it.

Very intuitive. And Saint followed that up with:


Hey @SaintSovereign, did you mean a PM or to open a ticket? I’ve sent a PM almost a week ago. Granted, it’s the holidays so I wasn’t expecting a quick turnaround. Just wanted to make sure I’m doing what you expected me to do…?

Cheers and happy new year everyone!

Probably given how each stage focuses and builds on the previous stage…
Except for the first stage obviously

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Another book I found last night. I am definitely getting this as I love learning but I also love finding shortcuts to either simplify something or make it easier


My thought was that one purpose of multi stages was to gradually build the listener up to the dense stage 4, which is the Full, Complete Version of the title.

That means that if the new ZP form of the full version were lighter and easier to absorb, then stages 1-3 might no longer be necessary.

No idea if that’s anywhere near accurate. Was just imagining.


That book looks extremely intriguing. I think you’ll definitely like Tim Ferriss, that’s basically his philosophy in a nutshell.

Let me know how you like it. :pray:t4:


Tim Ferriss is great. I can recommend Tools of Titans. I wonder when he will write about subliminals…would totally fit his style.

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I hope he never does. I like subliminals to stay a niche. Can you imagine all those a******* out there going through reconciliation and let it out at you?


yes, if he would mention it in his book, subliminals would go through the roof. there will be so many people who ignore the instructions and then end up with recon saying how bad the product is.

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yeah I think that we should be very very happy that this is a niche and thus an unregulated market.

The second this becomes too main stream there will be so much regulation, complaints, lawsuit etc.

I think this is also the problem with taking in a major institutional investor like a PE fund. Products like Primal Seduction and Libertine will probably not fit with the average ESG-policy of an institutional investor.