Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)


Another book I found last night. I am definitely getting this as I love learning but I also love finding shortcuts to either simplify something or make it easier


My thought was that one purpose of multi stages was to gradually build the listener up to the dense stage 4, which is the Full, Complete Version of the title.

That means that if the new ZP form of the full version were lighter and easier to absorb, then stages 1-3 might no longer be necessary.

No idea if that’s anywhere near accurate. Was just imagining.


That book looks extremely intriguing. I think you’ll definitely like Tim Ferriss, that’s basically his philosophy in a nutshell.

Let me know how you like it. :pray:t4:


Tim Ferriss is great. I can recommend Tools of Titans. I wonder when he will write about subliminals…would totally fit his style.

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I hope he never does. I like subliminals to stay a niche. Can you imagine all those a******* out there going through reconciliation and let it out at you?


yes, if he would mention it in his book, subliminals would go through the roof. there will be so many people who ignore the instructions and then end up with recon saying how bad the product is.

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yeah I think that we should be very very happy that this is a niche and thus an unregulated market.

The second this becomes too main stream there will be so much regulation, complaints, lawsuit etc.

I think this is also the problem with taking in a major institutional investor like a PE fund. Products like Primal Seduction and Libertine will probably not fit with the average ESG-policy of an institutional investor.


The cancel culture will attack them and be like “you’re messing with people’s fReE wIlL

Bruh :exploding_head:


ST4 usually has “no healing”…At least with EoG and Khan as I recall.

I really like the Extended Information on the Mogul description page, very spot on stuff:

It is impossible to list every single benefit or objective of the subliminal due to the way our subliminals are created. They create holistic change that are deeply personal and individual to every single user, so while two individuals might see similar effects, someone else will likely have different experiences. Listing all potential avenues of growth and benefits is simply impossible – but through experience with the subliminal and introspection you can grasp the overall growth direction of the subliminal. Always remember that you are a unique individual with your very own journey, history and life, and our subliminals take that as well as your conscious guidance into account and work with you and who you truly are. In other words, even if an objective/feature/benefit that you want is not listed on the page, it does not mean you won’t experience it as long as the topic of the subliminal is connected to the desired effect.

Furthermore, if you haven’t experienced a specific objective / feature / benefit on the page (or unstated) yet, it does not mean you won’t — it simply means other things are taking precedence and have a much higher priority as dictated by the intricate interplay between your conscious guidance, your situation, your subconscious mind and the subliminal. Finally, there are countless more benefits and features to discover with each subliminal – each subliminal is so much more than a simple list. It is an invaluable companion on your journey that grows with you – indeed, our subliminals can be used indefinitely and throughout your whole life, they will always help you develop in new ways you never expected. Have patience, listen wisely, always be taking action in line with the subliminal and don’t let the list limit you, the subliminal or the experiences you will go through.


We already get hate mail for being a “red pill” organization. Of course, they were only complaining about the subs that help men get laid. Those individuals completely ignored the unisex wealth titles, and things like Seductress.


My god, some people are sick, saddens me to see negativity like that.


I want to try regneration for the coming 21 day cycle . But I am craving to continue with Mogul and rich ?! What do you suggest .

Could just make those your 3 subs for the cycle.
Mogul and R.I.C.H. would hit on the money stuff and Regen would work on whatever gets in the way of the fullness of that.


Working on As Above ZP and So Below ZP as we speak. What should the next title be? :wink:

I’m eyeballing Mind’s Eye ZP and Rebirth ZP.


Mind’s Eye ZP and Rebirth ZP lol
Yes to both


Throwing Stark out as suggestion :smiley:


Maybe Limit Destroyer and God Like Masculinity


Yes!!! Im sending you a PM :wink:

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Khan or Stark :heart_eyes:

My two lovers!