Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

And not to forget the Emperor of course

Godlike Masculinity + Sage Immortal + Emperor =

The God Emperor of Mankind


Need something for the 40k Space Marines

  • HERO
  • Paragon
  • Spartan


What about Emperor of Man?

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He’s the God Emperor of Mankind:

@James -

Some more fun 40k stacks here:

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@Lion Emperor of Man should have Paragon as last time I checked he’s in suspended animation I think

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Yup, he should have a lot of things including Alchemist (magic), StarkQ (genetic engineering), Paragon (healing powers), CHOSEN etc but am limiting it to titles that are a bit caricature-ish. Including for his sons.

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I made a youtube video review about SC.

One of the first comments was “SC subs are overrated and don’t work. Stop with the marketing”


Must be sitting in resistance from these shitty competitor subs



Oh nice, where is your vid :open_mouth:

I actually found about SC from YouTube add. It might be even this one, lol. I just didn’t skip the add that time. :slight_smile:

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I’m part of guys who found SC at the end of my hope for subs
Like I got the bad luck of finding each ones of other sub producer before finally ending on SC I tried them all those competitors, receive basically close to 0 benefits, my wallet was more empty tho

So it tells a lot that I’m staying here and god bless my persistence for I was blessed to not give up too soon, I don’t know where I would be otherwise


niah niah niah “overrated”
If only they knew… :joy: :innocent:

250000 views and only 17 likes??

@SaintSovereign is there anything profound we can expect from the bloom after the 21 day?
am actually planning on taking the rest of the year off from running subs.

You ever upvoted an ad? It plays before a video, I don’t even think you can upvote it. Those upvotes came from people who stumbled across it in search and did it.

Why are ya’ll like this, lol?


Why we are like this? I cannot get over the fact that clearly so many people saw that awesome video by which they got introduced to the idea of subliminals and “upgrading their subconscious” to immortal levels and most of them just did NOT CARE. What is wrong with people?

I still remember the day I heard about subliminals and stumbled upon your website… I felt like a caveman making fire for the first time.


lol, yeah I was joking. Chosen is influencing more of my “offline” personality to shine through. Believe it or not, in “real life,” I’m actually quite playful and aloof.


What will really agitate you about people like this is the fact that SubClub itself isn’t the target. They’re after the customers.

These people come here, ignore the recommendations, refuse to take any action, pull the “it could’ve been something other than the sub” logic trap until they turn into a hard gainer, and then refuse to take ANY responsibility for their failure of results.

Then, they come here and see other people getting great results and come to the conclusion that you’re either lying, or part of a “cult.” Let’s ignore the fact that I’d make a terrible cult leader, considering I pretty much do everything I can to push customers away from learning about me personally – not because I have anything to hide, but I don’t want to be anyone’s hero. I want you to be your own hero and the only thing we’re credited for is making a tool that helped you become the best you possible. But I digress.

Out of frustration, then they lash out at anything anyone who got results have to say. That’s why you keep seeing random reviews saying all the positive comments are “fake,” or “propaganda,” or whatever, while still returning and buying our products. They want to destroy YOUR ability to speak out, not hurt us.

If someone managed to shut SubClub down, we’d just take our subs and move on to a new eCommerce business and make more money there, because I can tell you right now – while we live a nice lifestyle, we aren’t in this to make millions. We consider ourselves (at least for now) a mom and pop store where a failed order can come in and I know exactly who on the forum to message for assistance. I like knowing everyone’s names. We’re so good at this that there are some who think they can make Q orders without purchasing the associated modules and we’ll catch it because we watch closely.

So, when people do this kinda stuff, it’s the customer base they’re trying to hurt.


You sometime looks like my dad when he gets angry (disciplining would be a better word for it I mean) on here :joy: