Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

That, plus Dragon Reborn Qv2, is my stack.


Why ? he is an amazing contributor please have some patience with him he means good.


Maybe run some theta wave sounds for half an hoer before starting subs.

But i dont know if its allowed or if it could drive to more recon, maybe @SaintSovereign
Can help

A friendly reminder to everyone that “shit happens”



@Doc i think Saint would say No. As ZP is a self contained product. By all means try it if you want but its not an SC recommendation.


Thx for the information

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You’re welcome

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Maybe a weird question, but as I listen mostly to ZP titles to boost the Q custom results (which works exceptionally well), would you contemplate releasing a ZP Primer solo as kind of a booster for Q subs?

Maybe it could brigde the time til you bring on the full fledged ZP customs.


This is an interesting request @TheGreenMan. Could you unpack it more?

Why, for example, would you not want to get a complementary ZP program and run that to help with your vision since that would give you ZP Primer plus additional value?

I wonder what ZP Primer alone would do. I wonder if it would be like a heightened version of The Merger of Worlds module from the Q Store.


Just wanted to drop a note here for anyone using the masked version of ZP because I overlooked it. Solace is a lot more forgiving on the ears, but try to match the volume you listened to with the previous masked version. I was listening at a higher volume without realizing it and stirring up more reconciliation.

Now I don’t know if volume has an effect on intensity of the sub, but it certainly felt like it while I was experimenting with Paragon ZP last night. I went from a kind of agitated anxiety to a smooth mellow buzz when I dropped the volume more. This morning I’m feeling pretty good, not the usual heaviness that sometimes started in the morning.


I just thought about Saint’s 5min Limitless super sub and the focus of ZP.

What would happen if all that power and focus goes into ONE module, like polyglot or math? Overpowered unstackable math.


A full ZP title like Wanted or RICH takes a lot of my subcon’s bandwidth. They are great but don’t really fit the goals right now.

My main aim ATM is writing & learning hypnosis, so my custum (or a new one with these gorgeous Nocturne modules) would probably be best.

I never got into a better writer’s flow than with my Writer Ultima after a ZP sub (I think it was Wanted).

As the Q custom didn’t change and ZP changes really everything, I assumed it is the Primer that makes the difference.


I’m wondering how different Q+ to ZP is.

I’m really starting to experience a possible overload when using 2 ZP subs at one loop each every listening day. Going to add a third title so that the first two have some time to chill out (does this even make sense :joy:). Not adding another ZP title just yet tho, just an Ultima to get some shit done.

However I ask about the difference considering Q+ was apparently a 1-2 loop per week thing.

Maybe this applies here.


Could you point me to a journal post where you have listed the modules of your Writer Custom? Would love to get some ideas for the same.


I was waiting for this reply haha. I know you’re super interested!


LOL! You know me too well, my friend :grin:

Sounds like Limitless ZP might work.

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I got no journal. Always planned on one, but, when I‘ve time to write, I normally use it for the projects.

The Ultima includes Ultimate Writer, Story Teller, Sacred Words, Dragon Tongue, Song of Joy & Temptation.

Dragon Tongue works best when actually „telling“ the story (I use Speech-to-Text-Software which is called, well, Dragon (by Nuance)). Temptation in a writing context clicks well with Wanted ZP.

Really looking forward using Entranced, Starfilled Nights & Vortexdive Crucible in the next Writing custom.

Maybe we could open a thread about Writing subs in the Emperor‘s Lounge?


Brillinat! Definitely bookmarking this for ideas.

We should!