Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Ohhhh, so you have a bonus coming up?

Like it really depends on what is happening in the next month, because kickstarting with 21 days of chosen could really help, but if you have some event that includes a Bonus (money), then RICH would be appropriate!

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Yes, the bonus is typically paid in Q1 based on on prior year performance. So I’ll probably get it around Feb based on my performance this year.

I think RICH is a no brainer. Not sure about Limitless given that’ll take time away from the other two.

I’m targeting promoting in three months, that’s why I wanted to get this thing right on the first go :blush:


I would consider staying with Chosen and rich for now, and then do a deep dive on QL later when it has been upgraded to ZP


Still missing the Primal Seduction ZP Thread, right?

Would love to see people’s results on that one.


The Regeneration ZP thread too I think.


We call this “lawyer games,” and it’s the quickest way to start losing results. What happened to you at the group is not a coincidence. It never happened before. It happened only after you ran WANTED.

You don’t have to “feel” anything for a subliminal to work. Not only that, you have to make sure you’re not playing lawyer games with any internal changes or emotions either.

You said you didn’t believe in manifestations and “woo woo,” and expressed a disdain for Goddard and people that follow him. Why is that? Like everything else, that visceral response is generated by the subconscious. Based on our research and experience, what this means is that your subconscious now associates believing in manifestations with death. Think about that for a minute, because it’s true. Something happened in your life (no need to explain, just consider it) where the idea of manifestations and “woo woo” became a fear.

And yet, here you are. Searching for something that proves there’s more to reality than what we currently know. Because no one sits down at a computer and searches for subliminals by accident or out of pure curiosity. There is a drive, a want, a need for some kind of evidence, however small, that humanity isn’t the pinnacle of creation — there has to be more.

So, if you aren’t truly being open minded, what happens next is that you’ll subconsciously start moving the goalposts, demanding more and more evidence from the sub, setting the bar higher each time and convincing yourself that “nothing is happening,” because the subconscious desperately wants to hang on to the worldview that this stuff can’t be happening.

After all, how is it that you’re listening to a water sound and it’s seemingly bending reality? But once you understand that this isn’t “woo woo,” it’s a naturally occurring phenomenon that we just don’t understand, everything becomes clear.

I could tell you all exactly how I think this all works, and I’m sure I have a lot of it right (since ZP is based on those ideas and works well), but until a person takes the first step to truly say, perhaps I was wrong about materialism, doing so would actually hurt your journey.

So, while testing the sub, if you are going to do it scientifically, you must be open to the idea that materialism is wrong and not discredit every result to coincidence or placebo.

This message was for anyone, not just @Durkio. He just gave me the opportunity to say it, I’m not hating on him or anyone else who doesn’t believe in manifestations.


I’m curious whether I’ll personally experience the reality warping others experience with ZP, or if it’ll only occur with certain titles for me as I don’t separate any of my life from spiritual reality. There’s no separation except in subjective view so it’s nothing special.

I’d love to be able to bounce ZP flow off my guy Hermit…

Edit: ok that made me more sad than expected.

Lmao. I’m sitting here vibing to ‘Own Brand Freestyle’ and my driver started laughing his off while watching TikTok. He pulled his headphones out and told me that the music in the video he was watching was matching my moves perfectly.

Don’t Tok and drive kids


I don’t know if this is right place to ask, but is regeneration considered a beginner title? I currently can’t decide which title to run as emperor isn’t out yet. So I thought why not run some healing stuff.

I think it is. Definitely foundational


A band of siblings. :grin: :sunglasses:

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How about trying 9 or more hours of sleep?

The way I think about it Chosen could help in any area of life. Leadership and status are generally positive attributes to have to succeed any where.

Adding in RICH I think would be positive too, given work performance bonuses.

You can always add WANTED or something else latter.

What do you think?


I basically want to take zp on a test drive. So I’m deciding what to run. Which one would be good?

You have choice of ZP titles from this list:

  • Chosen
  • Primal Seduction
  • R.I.C.H.
  • Spartan
  • Paragon
  • Sage Immortal
  • Limitless
  • Gaming Mastery X
  • Regeneration

Read their sales page and maybe you will find one which calls to you.


Hahaha that’s why I’m indecisive right now. I can’t decide on which one to play with until emperor comes out. I’m inclined towards regeneration. Maybe RICH too. Sounds good?

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Many of our friends do say that RICH is very good. I haven’t used it but I think the claim is valid based on many different users experiencing results here with that title.

Personally, it’s a great idea. Will bring you money to purchase the rest of the titles haha.

Go for it!


I’m pretty sure it’s Chosen energy, but I keep getting feelings of ‘I’m fucking awesome’ with only minor resistance.


Chonergy, the forum seems to radiate it now.


Haha we all got that Chonergy going on!

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