Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

The safety warning audio reminds me of being on the Jurassic Park ride at Universal Studios in 2001… just before the shit hits the fan :grinning:


Fist listen to Chosen and Wanted was really different than Qv2. Can’t come up with an accurate description yet, but it is very enjoyable


Think everyone may respond to ZP titles differently. Some may energize while others may relax.


This is what I tell myself to follow the schedule even when I feel nothing haha Stuff could happen to me anytime. Or it could take a couple of days!


Weird thing is that Limitless could make you drowsy as Saint said which is in my opinion bad. Limitless should give you surge of energy to be as productive as possible.

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I listened to WANTED and Chosen last night while going to bed. I won’t be doing that again.

At the 20 minute mark I felt like some kind of click in consciousness. Then had a lot energy and a surge of questions start coming up. Like why am I listening to this, what do I want, what is my goal here. After that I started feeling a strong sexual energy to feeling stuff about work.

The questions and feelings I described above basically went on a loop the entire night and I barely slept. I’ll stick to daytime listening from now on. I feel like that is the script working on healing things since I have yet to listen to any healing subliminals.


What he meant is that different titles will affect you differently based on your past and who you are.

Not everyone will feel drowsy after running Limitless. SaintSovereign does have a history of reconciliation with cognitive subliminals and this might be similar to that.

But however you react, you will be way ahead of the competition in the long run.


When you run the new DIAMOND ZP with male enchancement (@Sage_Ninjistic the female genitalia terminator)


Understandable now. Thanks for explanation!

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I think you’re right. My interpretation is that it’s calendar days. I might be wrong. But start on the first and stop on the 22nd of the mouth. That’s the way I’m running it. Whether I’m right or wrong, doesn’t matter because less is more with these subs. Rest days and washout days are great for the integration of the program.

I attest to this after just two loops. I have had insane response to these loops, something I can only say I have experienced in deep meditation or with some external substance :slight_smile:

I am relaxed to the point of insane.


Bro, get to bed! LOL.

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Actually had six hours of sleep after listening in the morning :slight_smile:


Lifeblood Fable is what comes to mind :rofl:

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Things to keep in mind when using reality shifting techniques, including what I see from ZP:

  1. Stay well rested.
  2. Stay well fed
  3. Stay well hydrated

@Tobyone I just read your journal. Sounds like we had a similar experience. You didn’t have as much restlessness as I did but you felt the same shift in consciousness.

I gave myself a few minutes to wake up. The energy is still there and the racing thoughts are gone. I feel like a blank slate, as if I can make anything I want happen. Cool stuff.


Yes it was someething else for sure. I’m a lot more relaxed now that my body has caught up with the insane levels of released energies. But I understand why I had this reactions, because I have not been taking care of my body with stretching and exercising lately, and when the body relaxes that much, so much energy is released and going upwards :slight_smile:

Let’s see where this takes us :wink:


Was R.I.C.H. ZP released yet? Not seeing it in my downloads but just want to be sure.

Ran Wanted ZP at around 1am and had the wildest fcking experience - look forward to swapping R.I.C.H. Qv2 for ZP. Should make 2022 one hell of a year.


Not yet. So far, Chosen, Wanted and Diamond are released. Other titles will be released throughout the day.


I didn’t run anything last night. Waiting for Limitless ZP and Regeneration ZP