Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

@James has transcended time and space, as he is already seeing over 5k posts, while this specific one is going to be post 4985 :exploding_head:


With you commentating on how much of a difference it makes and the such? If I have the time, for sure.

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I wonder if ZP will bring out that Mr Hyde lurking in many of us… aka our inner demon.

Haha, reminds me of the first weeks of the testing. I had an unrelenting resolve to integrate my shadow all of a sudden. It was a different voice, unlike what I had been experiencing on Alchemist or Sage; where the higher self and intuition has a divine like quality. This one was more about power in physical sense, along the lines of Wanted’s expression.

If I remember correctly, Voytek was having something similar. Remember the Carnage posts :stuck_out_tongue:

Although it’s not inner demons in the common sense of that psychological bundle of fears, traumas and whatnot, but rather in ones shadow self, demon self, dark, primal man, and so forth — that authenticity which is generally frowned upon by society to express and is suppressed and hyding


That’s interesting, so you meet “the person you should be”, some part are part of your shadow… And you need to face them.

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More reasons for entrepreneurs to run Limitless ZP


Is it so hard to post in the correct thread?

SUBCLUB Please make a sub to ensure that a user posts in the correct thread. Ensure that it is full power level.


Any excuse to reach 5k…and beyond! :smirk:


Thought you lived in Thailand. So your originally from Poland ?

Yeah, I’m Polish living in Thailand.

What are your expectations towards ZP, mate?


I spent alot of time travelling around Poland last year during the summer really like it.

Its funny you should ask.

I was chatting to White Tiger about this earlier this week. The only expectation i have is that i am looking foreward to diamond and wanted giving me tangible results. Both attraction to the girls i specifically like and physical changes.

My stack will probablly be

Diamond + Wanted + Maybe Primal ?

Emperor custom QV2


@TheBoxingScientist i thought you wanted to go to Thailand to learn martial arts. Is that still a plan

I spent 6 weeks there training in muay thai a few years back however earlier this year my plans were thwarted because of covid 19. I know that they are now reopening the borders. Bloody covid put a damper in alot of my plans.


The only reason I would run GMX ZP would be to see if my poker game gets better.
I am currently at place 13 of 60 in a private online game. If I could get back into the top 10 I would credit the subliminal for it.

Not sure if limitless qzp would even be better for that case.


I recently bought an ultima custom. Will I be able to get the zp version as an update for free or it doesn’t work like that? Also if I want to build another Ultima custom will I have to pay for the build again or only for the new modules I licence?

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Customs need to be built again from scratch with your name embedded so they cannot be free when there is a new build.

Main Store titles are updated free of charge if you already purchased the title because it is the same for everyone

You have to pay every time you build.

And you only have to pay for modules that you haven’t licensed before. As in, the modules you already purchased/licensed are always available to you since it’s a one time payment for modules.

EDIT: officially 5K comments


I really hope this is true, I really do!.. time will tell.

This is how it should have been from the start though. Inspired action is where the real power is at.


They would have had to learn how to do that though, and now they have. Through hard work and progressing like they have. I’m assuming a lot of their success on making it this far, besides their incredible work ethic, passion and talents is thanks to this community and its feedback.


We will see! :grin:

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Three days to go if you dont count today