Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I really hope this is true, I really do!.. time will tell.

This is how it should have been from the start though. Inspired action is where the real power is at.


They would have had to learn how to do that though, and now they have. Through hard work and progressing like they have. I’m assuming a lot of their success on making it this far, besides their incredible work ethic, passion and talents is thanks to this community and its feedback.


We will see! :grin:

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Three days to go if you dont count today


Apparently, yes.


You should post this in the Module Request Thread.



:slight_smile: too funny

@James looking foreward to your final reports on zp.

Chosen has been doing its magic on an identity level. I ran a loop yesterday after taking a break (the bloom is incredible) and its like I have unlocked a new world view, a shift in mindset. There’s this incredible satisfaction that I’m getting when helping others see things that they’re missing, simple things like one being stuck in a mindset, selling themselves short, under-appreciating them selves, lacking motivation or not seeing where they’re headed, etc… And I want more. Always liked helping others but this time its different, its coming from a place of abundance, and best of all, I’m not getting depleted when I do. I can see the darkness consuming them without being sucked into that vortex.

Further, I’m learning about the great leaders of the past and their words are making more sense than ever, as if I’m now fully receptive to their words.


Were there any RICH ZP reports? Can’t remember anything being mentioned about RICH ZP outside increased productivity.

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I know @AlexanderGraves had a couple.

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@Psiklou And this one. Post3443 in this thread.


This is why I run Chosen, that positivity is key :pray:

Seeing the good in other is better for the world. For now I want to run it for myself, but after running it I might change my mind :v:


Curious but are there any testers of ZP who rarely frequent this forum?

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Based of previous tests and Saint mentioning it (I believe) I believe the forum aren’t the only testers they use. I’m pretty sure they run their prototypes on people they research with and all that kinds of stuff.


@Phoermes You just described exactly how I have been feeling for the last week or so
The change in perspective is amazing


I got a 16% raise at my job unexpectedly. I dont find myself wanting to waste money on things I don’t need.


I have been doing that as well. When I thought Emperor was going to be part of the preview I was researching Marcus Aurelius.

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They have offline testers


People on here have noticed a change in me again recently. I attribute that entirely to Chozen ZP.


I’m living in Thailand at the moment too…