Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)


Not necessarily. We are closely listening to their feedback and improving the product. We also have the Zero Point Preview coming, which will give us more feedback.


Oooo a zero point preview? Sounds interesting


Shouldn’t the final decision be made after a public test?

Sounds like SC have made leaps and bounds in the physical shifting tech. Really looking foreward to testing the ZP version soon.

Really looking foreward to this and a better year never had so many deaths in my family in the last 5 months.

My cousin passed away a few weeks ago he was the same age as me. I never got to chat with him before he departed. Life is so bloody short.


One of the testers asked why we don’t create scripting to assist with no fap in ZP. This was in response to a number of testers (including myself) noticing that their sexual partners seemed to get much more benefit from DIAMOND than they are, something we’re looking to resolve in DIAMOND Mk. II (which will be coming today).


For example, my girlfriend, for the first time, experienced rolling orgasms, in which she climaxed no less than 4 times and was so loud that I was worried the neighbors would call the cops.

As for me? It was fun observing this, but my experience wasn’t nearly as intense. This can easily be resolved, but we’re worried about people becoming addicted to PMO just to experience the increased pleasure.

So, we have to find a way to balance the heightened pleasure without triggering a porn addiction, AND without forcing anti-porn rhetoric in the script. Here’s what I told them:

[Adding no-fap scripting] That would be forcing a view on our customers, something we are very much against. We have an ethics consultant (same person who has the PhD in Linguistics) who we pay to read the scripts and keep them as neutral as possible.

This is one of the reasons why ZP works so well. We have cracked the code to creating scripts that won’t cause reconciliation because your journey is totally self-guided.


Hmmm… if Diamond helps enhance… erm… self-pleasure… noticeably, then that might be a post-it notes situation. Totally the opposite effect of what you were going for originally, but a perfect solution to a different market. Could be worth a mint to certain websites. :wink:


Great news right here, my imagination is racing wondering what will come after this. If am correct we are getting Voice embedded in QZP?

Well, it’s supposed to enhance pleasure for both consenting sexual partners, lol. Right now, it’s a bit uneven in favor of the person not running the sub. Essentially, it’s functioning more like Sex Mastery X than DIAMOND.

Still, the results are phenomenal, and anyone with a regular sexual partners will find that their partner will regularly tell them that they’re having the best sex they’ve ever had.


Potential market though…

“Diamond: M - It’s Like A Fleshlight For Your Mind!”



Lol Champagne Problems


Will you consider making an exception for this issue, as it will be for the better.

Some people are using fapping(not necessarily ejaculating) as a spiritual practice. Maybe of interest to you to use that craving to gain sexual health and/or pleasure


He’s explained many times why it isn’t gonna happen.


Basically, people are getting two for the price of one. Sounds like an awesome deal to me. Diamond plus Sex Mastery X!
Sometimes “mistakes” are actually breakthroughs… Think about how antibiotics were discovered… think about how we discovered that microwaves can be used to heat food.
Accidentally, corn kernels were place in the area of a microwave, and the kernels popped giving us the first microwave item. If it wasn’t for that “mistake”…


I think this is a great problem to have. You could use it as a title on its own if you decide to change it. I’m sure many would prefer one over the other especially those with PE issues.

There is a Stop Porn and Masturbation module…

Would it be as simple as converting it to ZP, Saint? I understand that the context of the tester’s question may have been including it within a major, of course.


Including it in ZP and getting it work will be exceptionally easy. It’s whether or not to include it in a major title. I have debated, however, just releasing it as a free title that you can throw in your stack to counterbalance things like DIAMOND increasing your libido.


Ah, that’s an unexpected potentiality.


Emperor Fitness Height Inducer and Enchanting Smile, I see.