Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Will you consider making an exception for this issue, as it will be for the better.

Some people are using fapping(not necessarily ejaculating) as a spiritual practice. Maybe of interest to you to use that craving to gain sexual health and/or pleasure


He’s explained many times why it isn’t gonna happen.


Basically, people are getting two for the price of one. Sounds like an awesome deal to me. Diamond plus Sex Mastery X!
Sometimes “mistakes” are actually breakthroughs… Think about how antibiotics were discovered… think about how we discovered that microwaves can be used to heat food.
Accidentally, corn kernels were place in the area of a microwave, and the kernels popped giving us the first microwave item. If it wasn’t for that “mistake”…


I think this is a great problem to have. You could use it as a title on its own if you decide to change it. I’m sure many would prefer one over the other especially those with PE issues.

There is a Stop Porn and Masturbation module…

Would it be as simple as converting it to ZP, Saint? I understand that the context of the tester’s question may have been including it within a major, of course.


Including it in ZP and getting it work will be exceptionally easy. It’s whether or not to include it in a major title. I have debated, however, just releasing it as a free title that you can throw in your stack to counterbalance things like DIAMOND increasing your libido.


Ah, that’s an unexpected potentiality.


Emperor Fitness Height Inducer and Enchanting Smile, I see.


Are there any chances a new program gets released? Something like Ascended Mogul which is one of the oldest programs yet build from scratch? A completely new build furnished with all the new understandings, world views, perceptions Subliminal Club has gained over the years.

Something to completely propel our lives and get a steady and sturdy foundation in our personal, love, romantic, sex, and wealth-related lives.

A program that anyone should use as a foundational to get the life of a real Subliminal Club user. A standard so to say, after which that user can advance and branch of in different directions of his choosing. Ultimately, without a balance in aspects such as wealth, romance, personal life, health, etc none will ever truly find happiness.

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That would be tricky as not everybody is interested in wealth-themed improvement. I think the best “standard” would be a simple one that gets you to think about what you want. Basically help you determine your goals. From there you’d have a great idea which subs to branch into.


@PhasingPhoenix what titles are you running currently? In the last days your posts always put a big grin on my face :smile:

Nope, it’s Anti-Hero - a program that changes your psyche by activating and integrating your shadow.


If I could like something more than once… I would do it now

Could you add scripting that goes after the compulsive aspect directly instead of discouraging all porn use? In other words make sure that the person still has the choice to PMO if they want to, but don’t have an increased unhealthy addiction to it.

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so basically be able to do it as much as you want without getting addicted?


I think that the goal would be to not do it any more than you would otherwise despite the increased pleasure and or not have any more trouble stopping if that’s your goal.

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And it will only have a 20 minutes run time!



Or 5 or 15 minutes. Imagine the droves of new customers coming in after trying out NoPMO QZP.

A good title to recommend to too for skeptics who have a PMO problem.


Skeptic QZP