Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Created a new thread for the motivation discussion, so this one can stay on track :slight_smile:


We’re still the kids we used to be


Oh my god :heart_eyes: everytime I see a post like that I just want to test out the ZP version of wanted to see how it would shift my body!

Have you guys at subclub’s headquarter an expected timeframe for the public test?

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The most NSFW report that has graced the Zero Point testing in it’s entirety with no edits. Seriously, it’s NFSW, so be careful.


I woke up refreshed on just 4 hours of sleep, with no grogginess or lethargy, just pure energy. i woke up early as I had to go for some paperwork, after which I decided to go to a mall to get something to eat (thank you Wanted for bringing back the hunger :grin:), anyways, I reached the mall and entered the food court where I went and ordered a burger and was waiting for the order, but in those 7 minutes, I had 9 university girls staring at me, a few winked, and some giving me that “come fuck me” look, I sat there thinking “damn these girls really want me huh? too bad for them that they don’t match my standards”, I felt like one of those runway super-models being in public, and everyone I interacted with was so much nicer than usual as well.

then I came home, changed and went to pick up my girl :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, now this is what I wanted you all to read;

a few years back i was smoking some weed and getting high with one of my all time closest friends, and we had a conversation about which super power would we want, that isn’t “mainstream”, like flying or telekinsis are too “mainstream”, so without missing a beat i said: “i would like to have the ability to make any girl get an orgasm extremely fast, making her fall under a spell of becoming my sex slave” (i know its kinda lame, but i was 17 and full of hormones :rofl:).

Now that that’s out of the way, when i picked up my girlfriend, she just jumped in the backseat, took off her pants, and said “don’t make me wait”, yes ma’am i wont :wink:, i was going to the backseat and checked the time just to make sure how long we can stay before it gets crowded in that area and i saw it being 5:47, after i got in the back next to her, i started fingering her, not long after she starts to get an orgasm, at first i didn’t believe it because i thought she might be faking it, ain’t no way she’d orgasm in a few minutes right :thinking:? WRONG!!! her cum was on my fingers and i saw the time being 5:51, I made this girl cum in less than 5 minutes, i couldn’t believe what i did and all she could say was “fuck…me…please…”, hearing that made me so hard that i knew if i wouldn’t have taken off my pants, the boner would actually be painful, so i did and guess what she says :smirk:
“in my ass, daddy”… she has never ever been like this and this took it to the next level :wink:. after i was done with her and was about to cum, she took it out of her ass and deepthroated it, taking my load straight down, when later on i asked her “where did u learn to do that”, she said that she has started going on porn websites to see how to get better at pleasing me… WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SORCERY @SaintSovereign :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:, later on she told me that she wants me to not have any limits with her anymore and that from now on, anything goes :wink:

On the physical side of everything, i gained 2kgs, my arms got bigger and it feels as if im losing fat as i breathe, cause i look leaner than i was when i woke up :sweat_smile: :rofl:, also my girlfriend asked if i got my eyebrows done :rofl:

Here to stay
Even when I’m gone
When I close my eyes
Through the passage of time
Kings never die

Now, for the sake of disclosure, this tester posted their picture (which I won’t repost). He’s a very fit, muscular individual who seems to already have a strong sense of self (and style). That being said, (and not to downplay the tester), but these are attributes that ANYONE can achieve.

At this point, there’s no reason for anyone who wants to be fit NOT to be fit – so much information, education and opportunities out there. My girlfriend started her journey with Beachbody online classes, lost a ton of weight and built some serious muscle. Now she has a fairly expensive personal trainer + Emperor Fitness to take her to next level, but if they can do it, so can you.

This is what happens when you take action and run the subs properly.


[Mod Edit: Let’s keep the NSFW stuff off the main thread. Though, yes, I did chuckle at that same thought too.]

Can someone tell me, how many loops they are running a day or a week? What’s their listening schedule?

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rofl boi stop.
We don’t judge at SubClub.


One loop per day. :wink:


I think this is a whole category on PH, isn’t it?

My old (sad) days remind of that haha

Yes it is :sweat_smile:

My jaw literally dropped after that part about (edited: non-conventional penetrative stuff)


Same here just wasn’t going to day so

Waiting for official release be like:


No rest days?


If they are too bloody lazy to make an effort to change their lives then nothing can be done. This is especially inherent in todays kids especially those in the mid 20s they want the moon on the stick.

Yea, one rest day. We’re going to test the New Listening Pattern, and if that goes well, start exploring the idea of public releases.

We’re calling it the Zero Point internally, and there’s quite a few surprises. :wink:


Any news on that new title you guys made that is the first QZP title

Does this mean that a public test is close at hand in the next few weeks to a month?


What about the 2-3 loops a week pattern you guys had in mind for Q+?

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Different technology, plus seems to be based on internal change going outwards. So maybe that’s why there is more of a frequency of listening. Though honestly based on those results I would be inclined to listen twice a day if that was the recommended listening pattern. Since those results speak for themselves.


sometimes we dont desire it because we dont understand if we desire it, subs are polarizing in a way where it makes you question yourself until you know if u truly want it or not.

there is no man on earth that wouldnt want to truly look like he did in his best peak physical years, but if you havent given enough thought to the idea then it wont be clear

fat burn module worked great for me with spartan for that reason i went from eating like a horse to keto and fasting