Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

Can confirm. When I ran too much or I am at the end of the cycle it’s tough to stay in meditation or even get into it. Too many thoughts racing.


@Houdini I listen on my IPhone no higher than 5 on a 10 scale but usually 3 to 4.

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I’ve been feeling sleepy since I did my loop yesterday… slept 11 hours and today I woke up and took a power nap and I slept another 2 hours.

Overexposure, or because of the healing?

I did 5 min of Rebirth and 1 loop of my Custom.

One loop really goes a long way… I started to see a lot of great results on my 3th break day and probably should of kept going with it.

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It’s better if people start thinking in time instead of loops.

That’s how it was before Q. We used to shoot for 250-500 HOURS of any given title. And the masked ones were 45 minutes long


Yeah crazy to think 500 Hours!
If you did that on ZP :exploding_head:

:warning: !!! Choking hazard post !!! :warning:

Okay time to shoot for 250-500 hours of ZP so
So around 1000 to 2000 loops

I think I can manage it if I play 20 loops every other day for 3 month

So only 5 hour of play time it’s quite manageable compared to previous technology I went for in the last few years :grinning:

I feel obligated to mention that this post is a satyre a second time just to be sure, don’t do that… Just don’t…


It would take YEARS

I’m very tempted to answer with another satyrical post, but I’m too afraid to be taken seriously


Ordinarily, as a guiding life principle, I stand with the most fun of all options (I’m notorious for this with friends & family)… but here- inexperienced people are already ignoring guidelines and not everyone “gets” satire.


Yes, I’m a responsible rascal.


So am I it seems

Even tho it’s costing some degree of happiness and fun

I’ll manage to make it on another less problematic subject lol where it’ll be more obvious

We can be proud of ourselves
We’re acting like respectful adults :triumph:

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I’m running two ZPT2 customs so
500 hrs x :brain: = :boom:

I run them as often as ordinary zp titles.


If you wanted to reach 250-500 hours on ZP while following the current listening instruction:

You’d need 1000-2000 plays.
With the current instruction you get about 13 plays a month per title.
At that rate you’d need 77 months to reach 250 hours and 154 months to reach 500 hours.
Which comes out to 6.5 and 13 years respectively.
(With a lot of rounding)

So yes getting in 500 hours of ZP is perfectly feasible. Imagine not having listened to Emperor ZP for 500 hours and still expecting to get results.
:new_moon_with_face: :new_moon_with_face: :new_moon_with_face:

I also feel obligated to mention that this post was a joke. You don’t need to run ZP for 13 years to get results.


Thank goodness It isn’t about time in hours anymore


I wouldn’t think in terms of time or loops.

I’d think in terms of developmental benchmarks or manifestational benchmarks.

When you’re working out, you judge your progress by your muscle measurements or by some marker of external performance. Like biceps width.

You don’t judge your workout by “# of biceps curls completed”. or “amount of hours spent doing biceps curls”.

Because the value of just adding in more reps begins to fall off once you’ve passed the sweet spot. At that point, adding more can even become counter-productive, since you’re stressing the muscle faster than it has a chance to grow and adapt.

So instead, you lock in your workout at a sufficient level of challenge, sufficient amount of rest and recovery time. Then you just evaluate your gains by directly measuring the effects of the workout.

Once the workout feels easy, or your performance indicators have gone way up or plateaued. Then you can increase the intensity of the stimulus. (i.e., heavier weights, increased reps).


I believe the OFFICIAL “think in terms of” is Cycles.

… a Cycle being 21+5 Days.

Depending on the number of files in one’s stack and the user’s comfort, a ZP audio may be played
… as little as 5 times, or as many as 22 times in one Cycle,
… with each run being anywhere between 3 and 15 min.

So, officially, someone here is playing a ZP sub for as little as 15 min in a 26 Day period.

And getting great results!



I would gladly hear more about that. :slight_smile:

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Like this post!

Every like this post gets, @Melior must add an additional cycle to his current stack.

45 day cycle, that is.

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Oh I liked without thinking twice
Well… :joy: