Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

I wouldn’t try and modify the track in any shape or form. I asked about this when AudioShare was changing the files from MP3 to WAV and I believe it was Fire who said don’t let it change the track at all.


Yeah, I thought so that it wouldn’t be possible. Thanks anyway to both of you. Probably will try it then with a regular length of 15 minutes.

Don’t forget White Zombie , White Tiger ,Whitesnake , and Whitechapel

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Today I checked nearly 50 times for Khan


What about Sigma Lion :muscle:

@Seeker ’s idea is good and will work.

  1. Create a 5 minute silence track.
  2. Put that first in a playlist with your subliminal second.
  3. Set your play timer to stop play after 10 minutes.

Man! Voltron was my childhood. Loved that show. And almost all the 80-90’s animated shows too. They were the best! Swat Kats, TMNT, Thundercats, He-Man, M.A.S.K., Transformers, Visionaries, Centurions, Ducktales (hoo hoo!), Denver the last dinosaur, …

They had such groovy intros too :grin:


maybe try to shorten the track through audacity or ableton if youre familiar

and leave it in the same format,

i dont think it will hurt the track as long as you leave it and export it as it is, like mp3 to mp3 and such


There can be only one problem that can be also solved.
I listen to ultrasonic, so I have to know when it is the end. Since you do not hear ultrasonic one option is to set an alarm that lets you know you are finished.
It is a little bit complicated but still manageble.

  1. First file with silence
  2. The second file is subliminal
  3. Set the automatic shut down of playing.
  4. Set an alarm for the duration of the first file + 7(5 minutes), just to know when you are done
  5. Just listen to it.

Yeah, it is possible but still not as comfortable.

It’s hilarious to look at that show now. So many homoerotic overtones

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Really? All I thought about was a cool sword making a guy stronger to beat up the bad guys. Maybe I should check the old show out now and see how it sounds.

He-Man was no Khan

Why it’s not coming out :tired_face::tired_face:


I know! I can’t stop checking lol

And I did a washout this week inadvertently by trying only 1 file per week…

The good thing about the delay is it forces me to map out my best stack
instead of just saying,”screw it! It’s straight Khan DEFCON 4!!!” :laughing:


This world shall know pain 🥲 :sob::sob:


Think of it this way. His sword is like the Khan subliminal audio. And when we use the “sword” we get the power of Khan.


I will add st1 and st4 to my stack+stark


I’m thinking of breaking out
Serge Luten’s “Muscs Koublai Khan”
from my closet… it’s STRONG :muscle:
and best for winter.


“Muscs Koublai Khan has an excellent time evoking the time from which its name originates. A world of conquering tribes and wildness is perfectly captured in this bottle. In short, it smells like the interior of a yurt filled with animal skins and an orgy of men and women copulating, sweat, saliva and fluids permeating throughout the air.“


Be careful, though :joy: too much of it induces RECONCILIATION in the morning :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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