Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)


Maybe add Minds Eye ZP


Nah. If you’re running multiple titles, you won’t be able to tell if you’re having less recon. The only way to tell is to run it solo and compare it against past experience.


We’re going to release them soon. Still debating on 7 minutes vs. 15 and whether they can be boosters / superchargers.


I wanted to ask, are you considering making a ME lifeCharger?
or AsC would do the same job?

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if beyond limitless cannot be used on an as needed basis then in what way would it be different to limitless?

does that mean beyond limitless will be retired if it cannot be used on an as needed basis like utimas?

can the first 3 stages be run in one 21 day cycle by following the instructions for 3 ZP products?

or is this a bad idea?

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Would be nice to get a preview as to what a 7 minute zp sub can do.


AsCh is your answer @Invictus. AsCh is patterned after the original ME Lifecharger idea.

QL’s still on the way. Just had to rebuild all the stages from scratch due to a failed integrity test in ST 3. Wanted to make sure everything was perfect.


my two top wishes for QL ZP

  • script adjustments that prevent QL having any negative effects on social interactions (getting lost in introverted intuition)

  • scripting to create genius level visualization to help understand, learn and communicate scientific knowledge, and eidetic memory, as portrayed by Dr. Shaun Murphy in The Good Doctor

My wishlist might come too late though


im sure other people are wondering about this:

can the first 3 stages be run in one 21 day cycle by following the instructions for 3 ZP products?

or is this a bad idea?

While I will appreciate that. I will prefer to emulate Warren Buffett or Charlie Munger thanks to QL ZP.:money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

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That would probably lead to a lot of recon, if the stages are sequential it’s probably best to go stage by stage instead of all at once. Also in the description, it talks about how each further stage contains the previous stage’s scripting. Doing all 3 would likely lead to overexposure. Correct me if I’m wrong Saint


If it does happen, great. But I’m still going to push myself to reach my highest potential and not wait/depend on something else. image


Quantum Limitless ZP now available.


Boom!!! :fire::fire::fire:


You keep asking that question and it’s been answered as follows already:

They don’t know until they decided what to do with BLU.

Patience is a virtue.

Can I have Chosen and Chosen from within at the same stack?
But listening to them on different days.

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I asked Saint about this before, at least in terms of recon:

Should be doable


You are a sweetheart, sorry I mean ruthless imperator :).