Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

Crazy, I was just reading up on the commander and remembered how much I loved it as a supercharger. It also pairs great with khan, emperor and EOG so I can understand why it would be dropped near the time they are too.


The power of pure expectations and anticipation .


Commander ZP ready to go.


Damn, awesome, I will try to this with Khan soon :slight_smile:


Any timeframe for beyond Limitless and the Executive?

Yup. Iā€™ve definitely had this. Iā€™ve also felt a shift in myself emotionally where it feels like a new influence has entered my mind. Whatā€™s even more interesting is it can start out relatively mild 1 week or 2 out from listening. But as I get closer to my listening day, the shifts get stronger.

Somehow I am influenced by the sub even before running it.


My ā€œrationalā€ mind says this is probably anticiplacebo lol.
The only way I can think of to test is to have them create a brand new sub, with no sales page, no list of outcomes, NOTHING.

Just a sub that X number of people up to run, but journal their daily happenings X days in advance of getting the sub.

Not saying it isnā€™t some sort of Retroactive Psychokinesis type thing. Check out ā€œThe Holographic Universeā€ (the original edition) for info about RP. Thatā€™s trippy stuff.

Iā€™d just like to know for sure if itā€™s RP or Anticiplacebo.


Iā€™ve experienced this too. With subliminals and in other contexts as well. And it ramped up in the past year.

As a subjective experience, it blows my mind and amazes me. Itā€™s miraculous and incredible to me.

On an objective, intellectual level, it makes a lot of sense and seems logical.

Every effect caused by subliminals comes back to a very specific stimulus. We know what it is (even if we donā€™t know the precise details): it is a script.

A set of repeated words.

Thatā€™s it. The volume can be varied. The rhythm. The precise vocabulary. But those are still just characteristics of spoken, repeated words.

Every miraculous effect that has been experienced on this discussion forum comes back to the one thing: the ways that the mind has responded to a set of repeated words.

The genius of these programs must, therefore, lie in the delivery method and style, and the specific features ((lexical, semantic, and sonic) of those repeated words.

And the power of the programs? It must lie in the mindā€™s abilities to respond to those words.

Your. Mindā€™s. Abilities.

I think that as we grow more accustomed and adapted to the programs, it becomes easier for our mind to respond and to express its abilities.

The mind becomes more experienced, more fluid, and more confident in its resources.

Preparing for your first ever skydive, you may be terrified and it may take months of convincing, of encouragement, etc., to get you to the point where you actually jump out of an airplane. Some people might even be relatively tense the whole way down and start feeling confident about their abilities only a couple weeks after that successful dive.

After 15 years of weekly successful skydives? Someone might just be able to wake you up from where youā€™re napping on the plane and say ā€˜Itā€™s timeā€™. (No encouragement necessary. No persuasion.) Then, you check your straps, check the outside conditions, and just jump out. At this point, the confidence might be automatic.

I think that kind of thing is happening with the subliminals.

And we can see some confirmation for this view from the descriptions of many Q-Store Modules (like The Merger of Worlds, for example), especially Results Enhancers. They kind of lubricate and facilitate the mindā€™s responsiveness.

But time and successes do that as well.


ā€œAn ENTP wins a debate, without even engaging in it!ā€

Who knew.



Up to 2 days in advance. Yes.

We had several members report this around 30th November ā€“ the day before Chosenā€™s release.


  1. Pick a fast acting External Goals title like Ascension.

  2. Stack it with light support titles:
    Day 1 = Rebirth + Ascension = The ā€œyou are not your pastā€ stack
    Day 2 = Sanguine + Ascension = The ā€œok with realityā€ stack

  3. Make a list of all the changes you want in life.
    Write in the form of Measurable Goals and Habits.

  4. Every evening write down specific Actions for the Next Day.
    Do your best to START those Actions within the Day.

  5. Grow the above into an Endless Circle of Positive Forward Momentum.


Note: Ascension only used as an example.



Is weapon x an anachronism at this point? Is it still relevant in the era of ZP? Curious that titles still have mastery X in the name.

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Iā€™m in the midst of a washout and just wanted to give some feedback about recon that Iā€™ve experienced which may help with other listening pattern ideas.

On day 2 evening (going into day 3 of the washout), I had some very wild dreams that were clearly not ā€œnormalā€, those normally induced by day events. The following day (day 3 and yesterday), I experienced extreme fatigue and irritability. Usually I have plenty of energy and get-up-and-go, but yesterday was just a real effort to get things done. I attribute this to recon from my stack of Emperor, Stark and Sage.

It really made me wonder if I should be putting in more rest days between listening days to let the subs work through the system. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this but Iā€™m wondering about other listening patterns like perhaps listening to three ZP one day but putting in at least two rest days until the next period. Just throwing it out there but itā€™s really clear to me how important rest days are. Like working out at the gym - rest days are critical. Most people over train.

Happy listening and enjoy your changes.


Check out the roadmap.


@subliminalguy Have you been living a perpetual ā€œGroundhog Dayā€ type of lifestyle where you face the same emotions every single day because of your environmental circumstances hardly change? I think @Fractal_Explorer may be right in this case, where you need to have new experiences and new events in your life to break the old patterns and loops. Iā€™m a INTP, and have been having a similar problem as you, and am looking closely at running Stark to break the cycle.


Oh shit! They know! :rofl:

Yeah. Iā€™m grateful to be starting Stark tomorrow. Like I REALLY am!

Will only run Stark solo for 2 separate days or so before beginning LB. I want to know how the changes feel.

Iā€™ll be watching your postings if you start Stark yourself. :+1:


Late to the party but thanks for bring it up as I experienced it with Chosen. My conclusion was it was due to self-hypnosis. Through reading the sale page, internalizing the objectives, imaging the effects. However, I found that for that to happen, some kinds of familiarity had to be available, meaning I had related experiences to the sales page/objectives, e.g. standing up for others, supporting others when they are low, being warm and gentle etc.

Call it premonition, self hypnosis or anticiplacebo, I believe that when a sub caused that effect, it shows that that sub is right for you, or at the very least clicks with you. (Even though I didnā€™t go for Chosen :sweat_smile:)


I am still at the experimentation stage and most likely I will try out Stark ZP, since I havenā€™t done so.

Stark seems to be that type of subliminal where I can surf the waves of synchronicity instead of having to keep pushing and grinding, like I feel on Emperor, which makes me extremely tired and frustrated, even if it is ZP.

I also felt ā€œheavyā€ on Emperor ZP.


Yeah, Emperor has always had a push. And Iā€™ve heard guys speaking of the ZP version having physical shifting in it as well. Thatā€™s likely causing a bit of tiredness and lag.

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Yes. Anyway Emperor is good if you have a firm and clear goal which will give you the drive and discipline to work towards it.

Perhaps for us, if we are still searching for the best direction for ourselves, Stark probably will help in identifying our strengths and how we can make use to these strengths to reach our goals.

I believe that in order to Stark to achieve this, it must bring out that sense of discovery and curiousity in us through new learnings and experiences.

After all, the ā€œfinding you mission(s)/purpose(s)ā€ script is still a big part of Stark after the ZP update.

For those being stuck in an emotional rut and sick of playing healing subs all the time, Stark ZP might be refreshing.

Anyway a few hours ago, I dropped Aslan out of my user portrait, and switched to a playful, Mickey Mouse in his sorcererā€™s apprentice costume. This image evokes feelings of playful magic, wonder, childhood-like curiousity, as well as the magician archetypes. I wasnā€™t thinking about running Stark ZP yet when I put it up, but now I think my subconscious has been hinting to me.


Analyzing inputā€¦


Stand by for replyā€¦

Reply formulatedā€¦

Thank you @James!