Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

Somebody here listening to the good stuff :smirk: :+1:


I like that guy, Iā€™ve watched one of his interview with Tom Bilyeu and it was super interesting!

Thank you @Brandon and @lion


The results are slow with Ascension because quite simply, you have more in the way.

The ZP tech is pushing outwards but there are things in the way, so it takes longer and if you want it to happen faster then you need an openness, readiness and willingness to let go of fears and false beliefs preventing you from embodying Ascension.

The more afraid you are of that, the longer and more gradual itā€™s going to take,

Iā€™m not talking about conscious fear Iā€™m talking about subconscious fear of not letting go of beliefs.

Iā€™d suggest using Rebirth ZP

ZP ā†’ Subconscious Mind ā€”> Results

ZP is not slow, it has to do with your subconscious mind lol


Not at all, forgive me if my replies came off as condescending/rude or anything like that. All I was trying to do was stress the fact that we canā€™t really know, but youā€™ve made it clear in your reply that youā€™re aware of the subjective nature of the answers youā€™re looking for.

Really hoping Quantum Limitless comes out within the next few days
I know Iā€™m an over thinker but I also love learning and improving my critical thinking skills


By the way, I have a dreamā€¦

Ten years ago I was in a place called a community. Now this is not the hippie concept of a commune (nothing against it though) itā€™s a detox healing place for people with addictions.
And itā€™s not like the Betty Ford concept of some luxury hotel clinic itā€™s more of a place where people come from jail to shorten their sentence they agree to do the whole healing and stay there for 1 and a half year, I personally didnā€™t come from jail but I wanted to choose life like the movie says. (Itā€™s really hard stuff, most people from jail beg to get back to jail coz at least there they have some freedom sic. Lol)

The idea is that you can live most of your emotions by being constantly surrounded by people and most of those people you wonā€™t stand which is good coz it puts your addict ego under pressure, loads of discussions and groups. Basic rulesā€¦ No physical violence, no sex (so I guess most programs may not fit :smiley:

What I am imagining is having programs such as regen and Dragon Reborn being ran at that place by the participantsā€¦ And this accompanied by the main idea that itā€™s a cocoon, you wonā€™t get fired, you wonā€™t get blamed for having a rough time, you will though pay for the consequences of your acts in a responsible cognitive task or something.

I would sign in right awayā€¦ 1 year of subclub center.

No problem my friend. You did try to help. Which is already significant
Just know I totally agree with what youā€™re saying and If you reread my question you will see it was implied.

So thanks to you too.

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Rebirth should be mandatory.

I wish it was in all subs. If it isnā€™t somewhat already :man_shrugging:t3:

What make you feel Rebirth should be mandatory?

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from what i remember as an easter egg when zp thread first took off was that the goal for zp is to run a stack for 45 days and just MOVE ON, any more is even further growth but 45 days was powerful enough to contain enough permanency

i cannot find this post but i remember it clearly


Rebirth, for me, made the transition of subs through my last cycle so much easier.

It eased the healing pain I had from CFW - I hated Regen in CFW so much but after using Rebirth with it I felt so much better.

Seems to allow you to pick up results from subs more too - as if it makes you more sensitive to them.


I see. Thank you for elaborating.


Recon hitting hard currently.

What youā€™re saying is Boosters should be mandatory :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nah bro.

I just think Rebirth is beyond helpful, to the point it seems more like a connection. I was thinking about it earlier.

The fact it takes up a slot standalone is somewhat frustrating now that Iā€™ve used it :joy:


Actually in essence I agree about rebirth.
Iā€™m just not much a partisan of mandatory. The only thing that should be mandatory is freedom of choice.


This seems based in fact. Keep in mind, though, that Saint did say awhile back that one can keep running a ZP title indefinitely and get greater and greater results for the simple fact that thereā€™s always another level than the one weā€™re at.

Hard paraphrasing, Iā€™m no Archivist


I am very confident that had always been a selling point for Subliminal Club. All of the sales copies state that the subliminals will grow and evolve as you grow and evolve.

I would speculate this would be the case even more with ZP based on how Saint has described how it works.

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Soā€¦ is it recommended to stack Khan St 1 with Dragon Reborn? or is that Quantum Reconciliation waiting to happen?