Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Wait wasn’t QZP what Q+ was gonna be :thinking:?

I mean that Q+ was in dev for months then all of a sudden we got ZP and now we’re closer to it launching than Q+ would’ve been

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They can steal all the marketing copy they want. We’re the only ones generating results like this.


Nope. Q+ was more of a build upgrade. QZP is a complete paradigm shift in the way we write scripts. The story of its inception was far more strange than anyone could ever imagine. The most amazing thing about ZP is just how ethical the scripting is. By this, I mean that we can 100% say, without a doubt, that our personal preferences and thoughts on life aren’t being forced on you. With traditional “affirmation,” and even “afformation” style scripting, the producer’s personal ideas can still leak in a bit. In our scripting process, we have multiple consultants read through the scripts to make them as neutral as possible, but with Zero Point, this isn’t even necessary. ZP’s unrelenting focus on the self means that you truly are the origin of your personal reality.


But in a way, it’s kinda the same thing, it’s like say I was Rockstar games and decided to announce GTA 6 being development, but then during the beta test, I renamed the game to GTA: Takeover, because i decided that open world in one city or state wasn’t enough, and wanted the players to have access to go to every country in the world, wouldn’t it still technically be GTA 6 :wink:?

Edit: nevermind :slight_smile:

What type of headphones are testers using? Certified headphones and earbuds from the website or?


Oooo now this is what I would like to know as well, would the type of headsets matter now :thinking:


If we’re making video game analogies – and yes, I’m about to reveal some nerddom – it’s more like Final Fantasy Versus 13 being in development for years before being revised and announced as Final Fantasy 15. If you look at early videos of FFversus13, you can see that the story and gameplay was taking a different direction than what was announced as FF15.


These guys are perfecting everything, formulating everything like a math equation. Going over it from every angle, thinking about their own thoughts, the underlying thoughts the patterns they have observed. Almost until they have become it.They are like the einsteins of subliminals


I always admired you, now I’m total fanboy :heart_eyes: I understand now, like total redesign with some touches from previous development.

P.S. I remember you mentioning GMX with the Q+ build was a prototype you were testing a while back right? Is that gonna be tested out as well?

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Oh my god, I sooo want to live this experience :heart_eyes: I’m seeing a girl right now! Haven’t had sex with her but I’ll definitly be the best fucking sex of her life because of Diamond :ok_hand: (btw I haven’t been picked for testing, but I’m supposing for the public test)


Oh that sucks man, hope they will do next time. Did they let you know they didn’t pick you. I still got my hopes and waiting

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hahaha, I don’t think I’m the best subject for those closed test as of now :wink: As of now I can’t guarantee sex or social interaction with the other sex regularly…

In public testing I’ll have less responsability on my shoulders! I’ll be able to try the new version and share what I experience through it without needing a gf or anything.

When they do private testing it’s because they need precise and quick results to see how it works so they have to pick people who are the most predisposed to exprience the full power of the sub they are testing. They can developp their product way faster that way and make faster iterating.


This new news is making me not even want to listen to Ascended Mogul anymore, until AM QZP is uploaded, that is :smirk: :raised_hands:

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Would a qzp ascended mogul be unisex? :thinking:

I’m not even using DIAMOND ZP and I just got -

One cannot evolve unless one is involved

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I wonder if what Saint said a few posts ago about not needing to worry so much about ethics because of the nature of ZP also extends to gender-neutrality in titles.

Perfect response. :joy:

I want to see how effective this is as Heartsong ZP.