Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

If you finally put in some proper scripting to cure life-long Premature Ejaculation :wink:

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Am very much looking forward to a LOT of titles in QZP.

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I hope customs are closer than I think they are. It’ll be worth waiting for though.

Customs are still the furthest away of them all, but considering how ZP works with Q (I.e. the new QZP), stacking your QV2 custom with a ZP title should be good.

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Wanted ZP already did that if you read a report further up. Guys are having absolutely no issue controlling their performance in bed!

After all, if ZP heals deep rooted issues, PE is solved as well. There is SOME reason for why it happens.

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There are so many, could you pls link me?

This gentlemen does not suffer from Premature Ejaculation in general.

Diamond is not the only title helping with stamina, for example Sex Mastery does so greatly as well, however when we are talking about real PE than those titles both fail to help.

SM has helped me from time to time depending on the Girl I was with but there was no long term improvement or „cure“ like I hope could be achieved with Zero Point tech

So if that’s the goal, please please please put some advanced PE scripting in. Everybody benefits from more stamina and you would be the first guys on the market finally having created a cure for PE.

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Already taken care of. :wink:



If this is the case, I am going to cry out of joy like a baby when it truly resolves my PE after all those years I was suffering from it.

You mentioned that Diamond ZP brings back your sex life to a natural state before society conditioned it.
Does this also include your Masturbationen habits? As I am pretty sure PE can be trained just by changing your unconscious masturbation habit?

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I can wait a while. I’m sticking strictly to my one year plan for the rest of the year. I am hoping to implement next year’s plan on QZP though.

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Bro same here, QZP is going to been crazy for next year no matter you plans

Wow deep internal state shift, included healing, and less reconciliation. This seems like the build I’ve been waiting for and not even realizing it was around the corner.


Are applications for Diamon ZP still open?

Something like, Zero Point don’t fix/heal but instead finds a reality where fixing/healing was never required in the first place and copypaste that stuff in our realities?

The more I read here, the more my mind bends. I think that is a good thing.


I’d be surprised if that was the case. I’ve been back and forth with healing over the years and my own relation to it. I’ve found some people are able to skip the healing and enforce a new strong enough reality. Whereas others are tied to their pre-existing one, like a rubberband. They stretch it, but eventually snap back and need to address the underlying stuff to let go into the new reality.


How will this impact healing-specific subs, like Regen, DR, etc?


being in a zero point state is inherently healing as you are aware of your inner trauma-free I Am self and can discard the external (think points on a graph around 0,0) insecurities, fears and doubts


Like an internal reset for trauma and emotions? (without forgetting your personnality).

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More like going to your core self where none of that even matters. Sounds very similar to the Core Transformation process when framed that way.